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Snare of Love novel Chapter 736

“Why do you come here now?” asked Armand.

As he walked over, Matthew and Armand saw him.

Abbott answered, “I have something to tell Mr. Nelson. Why are you here now?”

Armand answered jokingly, “I have something to tell your boss.”

Abbott sat down next to him, “What’s the matter? May I know it?”

“Don’t be so nosy.” Armand had finished the matter. He came here for Dolores, asking her how Theresa was doing recently.

He couldn’t make his grandmother agree, and nor did he have the guts to face Theresa. Hence, he could only know her stats from someone else.

Abbott wasn’t in the mood to mind others’ businesses. He was in a mess anyway.

“What about your matter?” Armand didn’t want to go home. As soon as he went home, Elizabeth would nag about giving up Theresa. She suggested compensating Theresa financially. She would keep nagging at him countlessly that Armand must have children, or she would feel too grace to meet the ancestors after she passed away.

Armand was quite tired of it and didn’t want to listen to her. Hence, he didn’t want to go home.

He’d rather listen to others’ gossip and delight himself.

Probably others were also bothered.

Boyce knew what Abbott was doing now, so Abbott didn’t mind letting Armand know. He directly told them about Emma’s plan.

“Emma Bailey? When did you hook up with her?” Armand looked at Abbott in disbelief.

Abbott glanced at him, frowning slightly, “Hook up? That sounds awful.”

“Then tell me how did you get together so suddenly?” Armand wondered what he had missed.

What happened when he wasn’t in town?

He was shocked about Abbott and Emma.

Abbott choked up for a moment. Anyway, he disliked those words, “I don’t want to explain.”

He got back to the point, “Emma Bailey isn’t crazy. She’s just reluctant, so she wants to take revenge. What should we do?”

It would be impossible to make her completely disappear. They were not afraid of the obvious tricks from the enemies but afraid of the unknown ones. With a woman who always wanted to make trouble around them, it was quite creepy indeed. Probably she would show up unexpectedly and stab on them all of a sudden.

That was just a disgusting feeling.

Besides, Dolores had some health issues now. Emma was just like a bomb that could explode at any time. They must resolve this problem completely.

Matthew thought for a moment. He didn’t tell them what he was thinking exactly. Instead, he said, “Tomorrow I’ll go to Grand Hyatt Hotel. Tell her you’ve succeeded and then lure her into the room.”

To completely get rid of her, he must do something ruthless and put her in jail so that she wouldn’t be able to harm others.

Abbott asked gingerly, “What’s your plan?”

He had been working for Matthew for a long time, so he knew that Matthew wasn’t a merciful man. Judging from his tone, Abbott felt that he seemed to plan to deal with Emma heartlessly.

Matthew stared at him for a few seconds, “You don’t need to know the details. Just do as I said.”


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