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Snare of Love novel Chapter 741

The room was next to the room Matthew’s room, where Emma planned to frame Matthew.

The door wasn’t closed tightly when Boyce came out to check on what happened. Emma could directly push the door open.

Emma was calm. She didn’t look surprised to see them.

She knew Armand had sold her out and told Matthew her plans.

She had expected anything to happen.

Abbott took his phone back. He wanted to call Emma and tell her that Matthew was drunk. He wanted to ask and see when Emma planned to send a woman to Matthew’s room.

But Emma showed up at the door.

Abbott stared at Emma in a surprised look, “Why did you…”

Emma laughed, “Abbott, you still plan to hide the truth that you sold your boss out?”

Boyce turned and looked at Abbott like he was questioning him what happened.

Emma ignored Abbott’s pale expression and asked Matthew, “Have you ever doubted anything Abbott told you? Tell you what. Abbott and I work together. You should see it by now. He was responsible for stalling for time, and I went to the hospital to see your wife…”

“What did you do?” Matthew seemed sulky.

“According to our plan, Abbott stall for time and I, of course, am going to do things that are unfavourable to you. But I regretted it. There is never an end to taking revenge. So I decided not to take vengeance on you,” Emma glanced at Abbott. She smiled and turned around, then waved at Matthew, “Mr. Nelson, how is it like to be betrayed by the people you trust?”

Matthew didn’t buy her story right away.

Abbott wasn’t in a hurry to explain himself, because he saw everything clearly now.

Abbott told Matthew Emma’s plan, and she knew it. So, she knew what could possibly happen today. Hence, she didn’t need to bring the woman she planned to frame Matthew here. Emma went along with Abbott’s plan and told Matthew that they were working together, then play them off against each other.

Abbott wondered. Did Emma hear him when he called Matthew?

“Abbott, this is the end of our partnership. Goodbye,” Emma smiled. She waved her hand at Abbott and left the room after that.

“Did you worked together with Emma?” Boyce questioned Abbott.

Abbott glanced at Boyce and told Matthew, “I didn’t.”

Matthew didn’t want to look into it, but he seemed cold, “You’re tricked by a woman. What an embarrassment.”

The truth was out. Emma knew Abbott told Matthew the plan. Matthew thought Abbott was confident in gaining Emma’s truth. That was why they had a set-up today.

Who knew Abbott was tricked?

He was a fool that got tricked by a woman, not only once but twice. Matthew almost wanted to question Abbott on his intelligence quotient.

“I’m sorry…”

Abbott didn’t know Emma didn’t trust him at all. It was his mistake.

“Wrap up everything here. I need to leave now,” Matthew was worried. He needed to visit Dolores in the hospital.

Matthew didn’t believe in what Emma said.

Boyce said, “Go. We’re on it.”

Boyce too understood what was going on.

Abbott thought he tricked Emma, but Emma didn’t trust him and used him to put up a show.


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