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Snare of Love novel Chapter 743

He appeared out of the blue. Jasmine was scared and she dropped the clothes in her hand.

She was naked in front of Boyce. After a few seconds, Jasmine returned from her absent-minded state. She picked up the clothes on the ground and covered herself.

She was nervous, so she stammered, “You, why are you back?”

Boyce said, “This is my home.”

He found that his house was cleaner and he wondered. Hearing that there was sound in his room, he walked over and saw Jasmine.

“You, you did not see anything, right?” Jasmine asked self-deceptively.

Boyce did not want to make the vibe awkward. He said, “No.”

Jasmine lowered her head, “Can I take a shower here?”

Boyce gave her the key. He said if the hostel was noisy, she could come over here as he seldom came back to his house in the morning and it was quiet there.

After Jasmine left the villa and went to the hostel, it was her second time to come to Boyce’s house. Before she went to the hostel, Boyce brought her here to recognize the way to go there as he worried that she would get lost.

Boyce said, “Can.”

After shutting the door, her heartbeat was still very fast. It was as if her heart was going to jump out from her chest. Her cheek was hot.

Thinking of the scene that she was naked in front of him just now, she covered her face embarrassingly.

Boyce sat on the sofa. He was thirsty. He drank the half cup of water in front of him. However, he still felt thirsty. It was as if he was grilled. He felt hot and dry.

He stood up and walked to the kitchen. He opened the door of the refrigerator and found that there were many things inside, such as scrambled egg with tomato, shredded pork with celery, potatoes and carrots, bread and milk. There were also fruits such as jackfruits, grapes and watermelons.

He took out a bottle of cold water, opened the cap and drank half bottle of it. His laryngeal prominence moved many times before finally returning to a calm state.

He shut the door gently and looked around the house. The balcony was full of stuff.

Although the position of the furniture was not changed and there were only a few stuff added, there was a sense of warmth in the previously cold and cheerless house.

He lived alone in the city for a long time. So, he longed for the warmth of the family.

He needed a companion after being lonely for so long time.

He walked to the living room and put the half bottle of water on the tea table.

The cold water had dissipated the heat in his blood.

After a while, there was door opening sound from the bathroom.

Jasmine wore a T-shirt, which Boyce seldom had. Boyce was tall and his shirt was large. The shirt covered Jasmine’s thigh.

She stood in the living room, “Have you had your dinner?”

Boyce said, “Not yet.”

‘I’m about to ask for a delivery.’

Jasmine smiled, “Then you wait for a while, I’ll go and prepare it.”

After saying that, she walked towards the kitchen.

She took out potatoes from the fresh room at the top part of the refrigerator and beef from the freezing chamber at the bottom part of the refrigerator. She was planning to prepare stewed beef with potatoes.

Boyce sat on the sofa. Looking at the busy back, he relaxed his body and leant his back against the sofa.

He enjoyed the moment of quietness.

Before this, if he had not had his dinner at this time being, he should eat delivery food now.

After approximately one hour, Jasmine had prepared the dinner. She put the dishes on the table and called out to him, “Come and eat now.”

She had prepared two dishes and served two bowls of rice.

“You taste this. This is the first time I prepare this.” Jasmine put a piece of stewed beef inside his bowl.

Boyce picked up the beef using his chopsticks and ate it. Jasmine stewed the beef for forty minutes. The beef was soft and tasty.

“Very delicious,” Boyce said. He put one piece of beef inside Jasmine’s bowl, “You eat too.”

Jasmine acted coquettishly, “You feed me.”

Boyce picked up the beef that was inside her bowl using his chopsticks. Jasmine opened her mouth and Boyce delivered the beef into her mouth. He asked, “Is it delicious?”

Jasmine was still chewing, so she did not reply. After she swallowed the beef, she said, “I’m genius. It’s my first time preparing it and it’s so delicious. Can I own a restaurant?”


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