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Snare of Love novel Chapter 747

“Do you think I am stupid?” Armand got back to the main subject of the conversation, “Do Matthew and sister-in-law know this?”

Boyce replied, “I have not found the chance to tell them.”

Dolores was hospitalized at that moment. He didn’t disturb her.

“I have free time today. Shall we go to the hospital and visit her?” Armand turned around and glanced at him.

Boyce gave it some thought, “We can go there together at night. I have to deal with some matters in the station.”

Armand said, “Okay. We will go there together at night.”

Boyce acknowledged his words. The route that they used was close to Boyce’s house, so they first sent Jasmine to his house. Then, they went to the station.

They arrived at the station.

Boyce got out of the car, “You have worked hard today.”

Armand didn’t bother to pay attention to him, “Stop saying nonsense. Why didn’t they lock you up?”

Boyce chuckled, “Why can’t you differentiate between good things and bad things?”

“Stop showing off.” Armand stuck his head out of the car window and crooked his finger in Boyce’s direction, “You come here.”

Boyce asked, “What do you want to do?”

“If I tell you to come here, you should just come here. Don’t talk nonsense.”

Boyce didn’t reply to his words.

‘This person…’

He didn’t want to lower himself to argue with Armand, walked up to him and asked, “What do you want to do?”

Armand gave him a knowing look.

Boyce was baffled and didn’t understand what Armand meant at all, “Are you going to say something? If not, can I go?”

Armand gave a soft cough, ‘This person…’

He leaned towards Boyce and spoke under his breath, “The two of you have spent the night together?”

Boyce didn’t reply to his words.

“Get lost!” After he had finished speaking, Boyce left the area.

Seeing Boyce’s reaction, Armand chuckled, “You are still acting like a gentleman, aren’t you?”

Boyce ignored him.

Inexplicably, Armand was in a good mood. He wondered in his mind, ‘How could there be such a person like Boyce?’


When Boyce returned to the station, a person asked him whether he was fine.

The staff in the Department of Investigation had come to the station to find Boyce. Since they said that Boyce had returned home, the staff in the Department of Investigation went to Boyce’s house to find him.

Normally, it was not a good thing if one was approached by the staff in the Department of Investigation.

They asked him that question because everyone was concerned about him.

Boyce said that he was fine.

After he had finished talking, he walked towards his office. Wendy coincidentally saw him when she was coming out of Officer Miller’s office.

She seemed to be quite surprised that he could return to the station so soon.


Boyce turned around and saw her. She stood at a position that was not far away from him and had a vicious look on her face.

“You told my father about the matter, didn’t you?” She appeared there because Officer Miller had called her over to the station.

Officer Miller knew that the staff in the Department of Investigation had come to the station. A few days ago, Officer Miller unintentionally saw a picture of Boyce and Jasmine on his daughter’s phone.


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