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Snare of Love novel Chapter 749

Jasmine’s head hit Boyce’s chest. She covered her forehead as she tilted her head from his embrace and laughed with a wimpy look, “I was wrong.”

No man could accept being told by a woman that he was not a man.

This was a man’s dignity.

Boyce was stiff, “What did you get wrong?”

Jasmine lowered her head, clasped her fingers and said in a low voice, “I shouldn’t have said you were a man.”

Boyce was dumbstruck.

Jasmine realized that she had said the wrong this and hurriedly corrected herself, “I shouldn’t have said you weren’t a man.”

Boyce was speechless.

Why didn’t this sentence seem right at all?

“How are you going to apologize to me?” Boyce seemed serious, but he was heated up inside.

Jasmine curled her body and nestled in his arms, whispering, “I’ll apologize however you want me to. I’ll make sure to make you happy.”

She was so well behaved at this moment that Boyce didn’t know what to do.

He cleared his throat, “You stay here today then.”

Jasmine was dumbfounded.

‘Gosh, Boyce actually offered to keep her for the night?’

‘Did she mishear?’

‘Or, did he say it wrong?’

“What did you say?” Jasmine was happy on the surface but nervous inside. Although she was open in front of him, it was the first time too, after all.

She felt nervous in her heart inevitably, but she anticipated even more.

Boyce thought he had scared her and blinked, “I, I said…”

“You said to let me stay here tonight.” Fearing that he would backtrack, Jasmine emphasized it first, telling him that she had heard him.

Boyce said, “If you’re not ready, forget it then.”

“I’m ready,” Jasmine said quickly.

She pressed her face against his chest, “I won’t be marrying you if I’m not ready yet. I want to be with you.”

She raised her head after saying that. She got a twinkle in her eye as she said solemnly, “I always feel guilty when I’m with you.”

Boyce frowned and asked, “Why?”

Jasmine pouted, “I feel like I’m always causing you trouble.”

He had been reported because of her.

Boyce patted her back and said comfortingly, “None of this has anything to do with you. It’s my own business.”

Knowing that he was comforting her, Jasmine tilted her head and kissed his chin, asking shyly, “What are we having for dinner tonight?”


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