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Snare of Love novel Chapter 751

That sounded like a great idea.

“It’s settled then, Boyce will treat us to a feast today,” said Armand as he rubbed his hands together, wanting to eat to his heart’s content at Boyce’s expense.

“I’m feeling some hotpot today, how about you?” Dolores felt that hotpot was the closest thing to Spicy Hot Pot. Since the latter was prohibited by Matthew, she hoped that hotpot would be somewhat acceptable for him.

Matthew walked over and glared at her.

Dolores dodged his glare by drinking the cup of water on the table.

Armand replied, “We can do that, yes. But wouldn’t the heavy smell of the hotpot make the whole room reek of spice?”

“We can always open the windows to ventilate the air. Plus we’ll be eating at the outhouse anyway, not here.”

Armand agreed, “Very well, then, we’ll eat there. I’ll order, and Boyce’s gonna pay for all of it.”

Boyce said, “Even if you chose to eat dragon’s meat today, I’ll still pay for it, no matter how ludicrously expensive it is.”

Armand shot him a glare, “Oh I’ll show you how expensive it will be, just you wait.”

Armand was absolutely determined to bleed his wallet so dry, it could rival the Saharan Desert in dryness.

Jasmine approached him, curious as to what he was ordering. Witnessing this, Armand stepped back and said, “Go away, go glue yourself to your beloved Boyce.”

“Careful now, girls don’t like petty guys,” joked Jasmine.

Armand was speechless.

“I don’t need anyone else to like me…”

“This applies to Theresa, too,” added Jasmine.

Armand was speechless once again.

He stared into Jasmine’s eyes for some time before blurting out, “You and your beloved Boyce really are made for each other.”

They were also made to piss Armand off.

Jasmine smiled, twisting the knife even deeper, “What a coincidence, I think the same way, too!”

Armand had his words took away from him again.

Sustaining severe damage from Jasmine’s verbal assault, he replied, “Jasmine, you really shouldn’t learn from Boyce, you’ll be a bad girl if you do.”

“I don’t think he’s a bad example for me.”

And unsurprisingly, Armand was speechless.

He had lost all intentions to speak as he lowered his head and focused on another damage-dealing option, ordering food.

“Anything you want to eat, Dolores?” Armand looked at Dolores and asked.

She immediately answered, “Yes, I want some fish balls, tofu sheets, and seaweed.”

Now, Armand was rendered speechless by another person other than his eternal tormentor, Jasmine.

He blinked in disbelief and asked, “That’s all? Anything that’s remotely expensive? Don’t you want something that will burn a hole in Boyce’s wallet?”

Dolores replied, “Even if I don’t, I’m sure that you’ll order those regardless, no?”

Armand pursed his lips, since Dolores’ statement was not false.

“I want some duck blood.” Jasmine looked over Armand and saw what he was ordering.

Armand sat on the sofa and asked, “Anything else?”

Jasmine shook her head.


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