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Snare of Love novel Chapter 757

Officer Miller put down the photo frame in his hand when he saw Boyce. He walked towards Boyce and said, “Come here and have a seat.”

He pulled Boyce to sit down on the sofa.

“I have retired.” Officer Miller said.

Boyce looked at him for a long time and remained silent.

It was because he knew that Officer Miller felt very sad to leave the job now. He loved his job and now he was retiring early so he must be feeling very upset.

“Officer Miller, in fact…”

Officer Miller waved his hand to indicate Boyce to stop his words. He had already made up his mind and there was nothing for him to regret.

“I have recommended you to replace my position, but the superiors will also need to examine the suitable people first. You should try to have a good performance.” Officer Miller looked around in the office, “I really feel a bit reluctant to leave here. It’s not that I feel reluctant to leave this position. It’s that I feel reluctant to leave this place. I really love this place after working for such a long time.

Boyce lowered his eyes and he didn’t know what words could he say to comfort him.

“Hey, let's talk about other things. Just forget all the unpleasant things before this. After all, I’m still your boss today.”

Officer Miller patted Boyce’s shoulder.

Boyce nodded his head, “I didn’t take it to heart.”

“I trust you. It’s all my fault to cause this accident.” Officer Miller looked regretful as he said in a melancholy tone.

Boyce didn’t say anything but just listen quietly.

“Well, you may continue your work first. I have finished packing up my things and am ready to go now.” Officer Miller stood up. Boyce also followed him to stand up, “I’ll see you off.”

Officer Miller smiled and said, “Good. I don’t regret to have you as my subordinate.”

Boyce went to see Officer Miller off and when they walked out of the police station, many colleagues had come over to greet Officer Miller. They said that they remembered him as their boss and felt sad about his early retirement.

When they were outside, Officer Miller asked them not to see him off and went back alone.

No matter what happened before, everyone felt sad and reluctant when Officer Miller left. They had affection towards him after being his subordinates for a long time.

Boyce stood at the door while seeing Officer Miller off. He felt very upset too.

“Now that Officer Miller had left, it’s time for Boyce to become the officer.” Someone said.

Boyce said, “Go to work.”

“Officer Shawn.” The person joked.

Boyce immediately turned angry, “Don’t talk nonsense!”

He thought that they should make such a joke as it was not good when someone heard it.

The person smiled.

When it was time for the meeting, the crowd dispersed. Those who needed to attend the meeting went to the conference room.

In the evening, Boyce went to bring Elizabeth to the hospital after he finished his work.

At that time, the doctor was doing a check-up, so Boyce didn’t push Mrs. Lady into the ward but waited outside.

Elizabeth didn’t believe it when she heard Boyce saying that Armand had a car accident. She thought that Armand had done it on purpose.

Because she couldn’t accept the fact that Theresa couldn’t have children.


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