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Sold as the Alpha King's Breeder novel Chapter 4

Beeping. Low, steady beeping.

Why did I smell chemicals?

I was trying to understand where I was, but my eyelids were too heavy to lift.

My hand rested upon my head. The throbbing was ever so present. It hurt to even think. The fatigue had finally set into my body, and even moving the slightest made me wince in pain.

Where was I?

I heard whispers in the dark. It sounded like two women were talking. I could barely make out what they were saying, and I didn’t recognize their voices.

“She isn’t good… No, I don’t think she can..”

“… she has to get better first… conceive…”

“… maybe there is a chance… Pregnancy…. I have a supplement that will help… It can carry…”

Who were they talking about? It sounded like a poor girl with tons of issues. May the moon goddess bless her, I thought. I hoped she got better soon.

I didn’t mean to eavesdrop on their conversation. Deciding to give them their privacy, I thought back on everything that had happened.

However, for a moment, my mind went completely blank. My head hurt again. I still could not open my eyes.

But then the memory slowly flowed back to me…

That’s right, I was… the daughter of the Alpha. After my mother passed away, I did everything I could to help take care of my pack and my father. I knew my life was difficult and not the life I should have had. But it was still mine.

A few small tears escaped my eyes thinking back to the promise I made so many years ago.

Mother made my father and me promise to look after each other. I had done everything I could to care for him over the years, but… it seemed that I was never able to do enough to please him, and he just hated who I was.

And then… and then he sold me.

I took a sharp breath and clenched my hands. My heart ached so much with that thought that I could not breathe for a few seconds.

How could he? I was his only blood-related child. His daughter. And he sold me to an Alpha with a ruthless reputation, one who could kill me at any moment.

My eyes snapped open, and fear flooded back into me.

I had arrived at the Drogomor pack!

I remembered how I got into Talon’s car, my nervousness and fear coursing through me. Staring out the window, I had watched the shadows beyond the treeline dance about in my vision with the droplets of rain cascading down the window…

Then my vision became blurry, and I must have fallen asleep.

Why did I end up in the hospital, though?

“…she should be awake now,” one of the female voices said quietly.

I suddenly realized that “the poor girl” was very likely not someone else but me!

I held my breath. If they had been talking about me… what did they mean? Pregnancy… conceive… what did they want from me?!

My body started to tremble again, and as soon as it did, it hurt. Every move I made was throbbing. I knew that it was the pain from my beatings finally setting in.

“Talon, here you are! I was about to bring her some food. She has to be hungry.” I didn’t know who she was, but she sounded kind.

“Then do it quickly, Vicky. The Alpha will be here soon.”

The white curtain close to my bed flew back, and a woman with bright red hair stood there with a bright smile upon her face.

All eyes turned towards me, and I scrambled back in the bed.

I couldn’t move much. I realized I was still in my long white dress.

“Rosalie, It’s okay,” a brown-haired woman said as she stepped towards me. The smile on her face made me relaxed a little.

“I’m Doctor Leigh, but you can call me Estrella.”

I looked towards Estrella and recognized her voice; she was the one who mentioned “pregnancy” earlier. I tried to give her a smile, but I wasn’t sure whether I was successful.

Before I could say anything, the red-haired young woman jumped in, “Are you hungry?”

She was the owner of the other voice. Vicky.

I shook my head slowly. I was hungry at first, but now I was too concerned over what I overheard.

I felt like I had a knot in my stomach. The Alpha of Drogomor bought me as his maid, or at least that was what they had said. What kind of maid… ?

“Poor girl. You look pale.” Vicky sat down next to me. “But don’t worry. You’re going to be alright. Estrella is the best doctor in our pack,” she tried to reassure me.


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