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Sold To A Gang Leader novel Chapter 97

?Sold To A Gang Leader?

?[He owns her]



(He is my son)

? ? ? ? Writer's POV?

Dillon arrived the mansion with Bryan. He got down, he stood for a while outside staring at the mansion.

Nothing's change. Of course nothing can change. They intend keeping the mansion the way it is because it's their family's mansion which their late mom and dad built.

Dillon only moved when he felt someone touching him. He looked down to see Bryan.

"You aren't moving, where are we exactly?" Bryan asked.

"Well, this is the family's mansion. Let's go in" he urged him.

The securities kept greeting Dillon but it seemed like he didn't even hear any of their greetings.

They got to the door, before Dillon could push it open. The door opened revealing ma'am Sandra.

"Oh my goodness, child. It's been so long" ma'am Sandra exclaimed hugging Dillon.

Dillon smiled lightly.

This woman has always been there, never got married again, never left their side and she is now like a second mother to them all.?

Ma'am Sandra looked down at Bryan. Her eyes widened.

"Who are you kid?" She squatted down a bit to ask.

"It's a long story ma'am, explaination better left for later" Dillon replied walking into the house.

The maids lined up and kept getting him as he walked in but Dillon was never the type to associate himself with a lot of people. He just ignored them as always taking the steps up.

"Wow! This place is big, just like the one in mexico" Bryan exclaimed looking around.

"It is?" Dillon asked.

"Yes, it's beautiful too" Bryan confirmed.

Ma'am sandra kept following them until Dillon got to his room.


He walked in and sat down in front of the chair there that faced a mirror.

His mind suddenly flashed back to the time he recently got Shawna as a gift from his brother.

He had sèxed Shawna right at that position, making her face the mirror.?

"Child?" He heard ma'am Sandra's voice. He kicked the memory aside.

"Where is Shawna? Where is lewiston? You have met them right?" She asked.

"Yeah. Can you help me call her? She is probably waiting for me to get back. Call her, tell her that I'll be here for the main time please?" Dillon asked.

"Ok then. I'll do that, but first you need to tell me who he is?" Ma'am sandra pointed at Bryan who hasn't stopped looking around since he walked into the room.

"He? He is Dilly's. He must have told you about him at some point right?" Dillon answered.

"Oh! Is he the Bryan? I didn't even know. I'm so sorry son" Ma'am sandra said referring to Bryan at the last part. She embraced Bryan.

"We should have met sooner?" Ma'am Sandra said to Bryan still hugging him.

"Oh! Ma'am, I'm suffocating here" Bryan said through his nose making ma'am sandra to move away from him.

"I'm so sorry, what could you like to eat?" She asked smiling at Bryan who had a grumpy look on.

"You can get me some beef and coffee. That will do" Bryan said.

"And...it should be a hot one, I don't like cold meals, they make me wanna throw up" Bryan added as ma'am sandra was about to leave.

Ma'am sandra looked at Dillon.

"That sounds a lot like a younger you Dillon" she said before disappearing?

"You don't like cold meals?" Dillon asked him.

"Yup! Started from a allergy, mom always forces cold meals on me and...."

"Don't ever talk about her if she makes you feel uncomfortable. Got that?" Dillon cut him in.

"Yeah pup, is that your bed?" Bryan pointed at the bed.

"Obviously" Dillon replied.

Bryan ran to the bed, he threw his designer bag aside and lie down.


After some minutes ma'am sandra came back with a plate full of grilled meat and beef, also with a cup of hot chocolate coffee.

She opened the door to Dillon's room to see Bryan and Dillon lying together on his bed and probably asleep.

Ma'am sandra snickered.?

Of course your twin brother already opened up to me about everything. He is not so secretive like you, Ma'am said in her mind before leaving the two to continue their sleep.

Chapter 97 1

Chapter 97 2


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