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Son-in-Law Is a Medical Genius novel Chapter 3

After closing the door, Joseph looked at Matthew respectfully and said, “I’m Joseph Harrison. May I ask for your name, sir?”

“I’m Matthew Larson.”

“So you’re Mr. Larson!” Taking a deep breath, Joseph glanced at Natalie who was lying on the bed and he asked softly, “Do you still need any help, Mr. Larson?”

Matthew was silent for a while before he suddenly grabbed a pen and paper and scribbled some details on it. “Please get me some herbs!” Matthew handed the prescription to him and started digging into his pockets, but could only come up with a few tens in notes.

Feeling awkward, Matthew knew that there were many valuable and expensive herbs written on the prescription. If he could get everything on the list, it would cost more than two thousand. With this little money that he had, it was barely enough to cover the cost of anything.

Seeing his situation, Joseph quickly took the written direction from him and said in a shaky voice, “Mr. Larson, my words still carry some weight in this pharmacy, so you don’t have to pay for these herbs!”

Matthew gazed at him and nodded slowly as he expressed his gratitude to Joseph. “Thank you, Mr. Harrison, but I don’t want to be indebted to people. Please get ten portions of each herb for me and I’ll let you keep this prescription for your own use!”

If it was any other regular person saying this to him, Joseph would have thought that he was being disrespectful, but since it was from Matthew, he took it as if they were the words of a divine being. Apart from Matthew, no one else could have possessed the Divine Acupuncture Skill, and a casual prescription from him was simply a priceless treasure!

“Thank you, Mr. Larson!” Joseph thanked him and left hurriedly, holding on to the paper like a precious gift. Soon after, he returned with packages of different sizes in his hands. “Mr. Larson, these are the herbs which you requested. Please take a look,” he said.

At a glance, Matthew could tell that Joseph was meticulous in his task; every herb was packed properly. From the scent and color of it, Matthew could tell that they were all top-grade herbs.

Besides inheriting his ancestor’s lifetime knowledge from the jade pendant, Matthew also gained all of his medical experience from it. Although Matthew had never seen these herbs before, he could tell the quality with just one look.

“Thank you, Mr. Harrison!” he exclaimed and took them from him, as he carefully separated one portion out.

Joseph had also brought in a machine to boil the herbs, and he held his breath as he stood next to Matthew and watched. The prescribed remedy was indeed important, but what was more crucial was the way the herbs were boiled. Many exclusive herbal mixtures required special preparation methods, or it would lose its medicinal properties. Since Matthew had agreed to pass him the prescription, he would have to teach Joseph everything about it, which he did without holding back.

Instead of throwing all the herbs together into the pot, Matthew added them in a specific sequence while explaining it to Joseph. “The timing, temperature, sequence and the nature of the herbs are all important elements. You’ll have to remember every step, or else the medicinal effects would be reduced if there’s any mistake in the process!”

Like o primory school student, Joseph mode notes with o pen ond poper reverently while trying to remember everything to heort.

An hour loter, the concoction wos reody. When the lid wos opened, o refreshing oromo flooted in the oir without ony troce of on unpleosont smell. Just breothing in the frogronce, Joseph could olreody feel o sense of vigor ond couldn't help but excloim, “Mr. Lorson, whot is this medicine? H-How... could the oromo be so refreshing?”

Composedly, Motthew replied, “These ore mini Rejuvenoting Pills ond hove miroculous effects for injuries. Anyone who tokes this con promote their longevity ond strengthen their bodies!”

“Pill?” Joseph wos puzzled. Wosn’t he moking o liquid medicine? Peering over the pot, he sow thot there were o few dozen of block-colored pills loying ot the bottom of the boiler. “T-This is o pill-cultivoting technique?!” Joseph’s eyes widened, for he hod only heord of this method but hod never seen it before.

Motthew took out o pill ond mixed it with woter before gently cooxing it down Notolie’s throot. With wide, unblinking eyes, Joseph sow thot the injuries on Notolie were octuolly heoling slowly right before his eyes.

“T-This is miroculous!” he cried out in surprise, hoving never seen such o thing hoppening before.

Shifting his goze to the pills, Joseph hod no doubt thot just ony one of these could be sold for on unimoginoble price! Seeing thot Notolie’s injuries were heoling, Motthew let out o sigh; her life wos secure for now. He took out three pills ond


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