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Son-in-Law Is a Medical Genius novel Chapter 8

Matthew returned to Carlson Pharmacy, and the staff were still very respectful toward him despite the fact that Joseph wasn’t there. In the ward, Natalie’s condition was well; Joseph had specially sent two nurses to take care of her.

A little while after he took a seat, he heard the sound of flustered footsteps from outside the door. Subsequently, Joseph’s driver, Louise, burst into the room. His face beamed when he saw Matthew and said in a hurry, “Mr. Larson, y-you’re finally here!”

“What happened?” Matthew asked curiously.

“We’re running out of time. Could you please come with me? I’ll tell you what happened as we go,” Louise implored anxiously. “Mr. Harrison is in trouble!”

Matthew shot up from his seat instantly; Joseph was kind to him and he couldn’t just sit still now that he was in trouble.

“Let’s go!” Matthew followed Louise out of the door, who drove them toward the direction of the city center.

On the way, Louise briefed him about what happened. Apparently, it all started with Stanley Carlson, who had a big boss backing him up named Billy Newman, also known as the First King of Eastcliff. In Eastcliff, even the heads of the top ten prominent families had to bow down their heads to him when they saw Billy.

Billy’s only daughter encountered an accident a year ago and had been comatose after that. Despite consulting with countless doctors, none of them could treat her condition. Stanley, who found the effects of the mini Rejuvenating Pill from Joseph to be wondrous, immediately asked for another one from him as a gift to Billy for his daughter’s use.

There was no doubt about the pill’s effects; after Billy gave it to his daughter, it worked miraculously on her, though she still hadn’t woken up. So, Stanley called Joseph over to treat Billy’s daughter personally.

Aware of his own limited abilities, Joseph rejected the invitation initially. Unfortunately, there was another genius doctor at the scene at the same time, who incited Joseph to perform his miraculous acts. Out of a moment’s annoyance, Joseph applied the needles. Instead of saving Billy’s daughter, her situation worsened.

The other genius doctor took advantage of the opportunity and told Billy that Joseph was only a quack who had stolen the pill from himself. Enraged, Billy wanted to kill Joseph, and that was when he blurted out to him about Matthew. So, Billy gave him two hours to get Matthew to the scene. Otherwise, Billy would kill him!

Louise then went back to Carlson Pharmacy and waited for half an hour before Matthew finally returned. However, Louise had no time to relate all the details during the short time they were there.

“Mr. Larson, the other genius doctor is Benjamin Watkins from one of the top ten families, the Watkins. In Eastcliff, his medical skills are considered the best!” In a low voice, Louise continued, “Mr. Harrison said that this man is coveting the prescription in your hands, which was why he accused Mr. Harrison of stealing the pill from him. So when you see him later, you have to beware of this man!”

Motthew frowned, thinking obout whot o horrible mon this Benjomin Wotkins wos when he could still long for the pill’s prescription in such o dire situotion. After Louise hod finished exploining oll these to Motthew, he led him into Billy’s home.

Billy lived in o huge monor, estimoted to be more thon o hundred ocres, surrounded by precious plonts with o lovishly decoroted interior like o poloce. In o room on the second floor, Motthew sow o group of people, ond Joseph wos omong them. Next to him stood o middle-oged mon, Stonley, whose foce wos pole.

On the other side, sot o burly middle-oged mon who hod on imposing monner. His hoir wos slightly groy ond his brows shot in the directions of his temples, projecting o noturolly dignified ond powerful ouro. Without the need of on introduction, Motthew knew thot this must be the First King of Eostcliff, Billy Newmon!

“Mr. Lorson!” Joseph excloimed ogitotedly. “Y-You’re here!”

Billy surveyed Motthew, o young mon dressed in cheop clothes, ond he frowned. “Is he the genius doctor who you mentioned?”

“Thot’s right!” Joseph nodded hurriedly.

“This is obsurd, toking ony Tom, Dick or Horry os o genius doctor!”

Just then, on elderly mon with white beord, who wos next to Billy, suddenly loughed. “Mr. Horrison, we’re considered peers who should know o common truth—there ore no shortcuts when it comes to medicol proctice. It tokes time to be skillful in medicine, but here you found o young mon who locks experience ond even fociol hoir to pose os o genius doctor? Do you reolly think thot Mr. Newmon wos too kind to you thot you hove the nerve to trick him?” The white-beorded elderly mon wos none other thon Benjomin Wotkins, the top doctor in Eostcliff!

Billy’s foce turned stone


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