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Stay in My Cage, My Wild Wife! novel Chapter 7

In the mist-filled bathroom, Leo Evans keeps washing himself again and again, that damned woman threw up on him while he kissed her.

Is kissing with him so gross?

At the thought of this, Leo feels so manic. He then turns the water up to it’s maximum, suddenly, the water slides along his bronzed skin and tempting fishline, and it’s all the way down to his tight rambling muscles.

After wiping his hair with towel, he then slips on a dark bathrobe with belt ties loosely around his waist.

When Leo comes out, the bedroom has already been cleaned by servant, the lamplight is tuned to be dim, the sweet scented candle is burning on the carved amphorwood candlestick.

A sexy woman is now lying on the back side of bed, the snow-white thin quilt slips from her shoulder and reveals her jade-like back. Her hair is casually scattering onto the white pillow. Seems the servant has handled so well of her, he even can smell the fragrance which filles in the air. he suddenly has a flash in his mind of her nimble fingers wandering over his body last night, and the scratches she had made when she was in an emotional state, and also her low moans.

That kind of moaning is out of a woman’s comfortable crying.

Suddenly, his stomach tightens, the sensation of blood rising from the soles of his feet to the top of his head. He feels instantly that his brain is about to explode.

he then pulls open the quilt to lie inside, his back goes into stiff the moment when he holds the woman’s waist from behind.

What? This woman is totally naked now.

Seems all of her resistance before and the desires for divorce are her plan of play-hard-to-get, besides, he don’t think the person can change his temperament in such a short time, he has to admit the woman is being more and more wise now.

But she was so beautiful last night that makes him satisfied in a great way, he buried his head all night to her neck and smells her slight body scents greedly.

He again buries his head to her neck and tries to look for the familiar scents. Is this his illusion? The smell is not what he wants.

The woman exults so impatiently that she rolls over her body softly, a pair of muddled eyes are wrapped by a layer of lust as if it’s the invitation for him.

“Why are you here?”

Leo Evans dazes there with a stiff body, then he jumps off the bed and calls the servant.

“Leo...” Dai Anru reaches out her hands to Leo in a daze, but she feels nothing but a pillow, she then uses it to block her chest, but the back and half of her body feels a sense of coldness. She then winces her body subconsciously.

“Sir...” servant’s here and she sees one unbelievable scene: a sexy woman is lying on bed with her legs wigging back and forth aganist the pillow.

“Where’s Mrs?” Leo frowns and turns his head on the other side to avoid seeing this ‘horny’woman.

“Mrs went to the outside...”

“Went out? Where?” she threw up on him, how can she just leave like this?

“She didn’t say where she heads to, but she let people send some sweet scents and say... ” the servant pauses there suddenly, because she’s not sure if she should say the following words...

“Said what?”

“Mrs said that the night’s sleep for you and Miss Dai is worth for a fortune, she wishes you two happiness, she also said that if you ever change your mind, she’ll be so happy, besides that, she specially prepared sweet scents for you two...to have more pleasure...” the servant then lowers her head.

“To add more pleasure?”

Change mind? Leo surely knows what she meant.


She brought Dai Anru here to his bed and sent them sweet scents to add pleasure?

All this is for a divorce?

Leo’s breath gets a bit heavy right now, he then kicks down the lamp besides the bed.

The metal lampshade falls heavily to the ground and the bulb flickers out after few flashes.

The servant lowers her head hurriedly. People all say that Miss Dai is the woman Mr Evans wants, besides, Miss Morgan also agrees with their union, so they really don’t understand why Leo’s so furious right now. And it’s so normal for a man in a wealthy family to have few more wives.

Leo feels so angry at this moment, she then takes a look at the sweet scent, flames are leaping in the purple glass, he then takes it up and smells. “call doctor Cheng to be here.”

One servant calls hurriedly Cheng Jun to be here, another servant dresses well Dai Anru.

chapter 7 Worth a fortune 1

chapter 7 Worth a fortune 2


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