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Stuck in you novel Chapter 485

He lifted the quilt, picked up Do-Do and strode out, "Do-Do, I'll change a better kindergarten for you next week, okay?"

"Why do we change to another kindergarten?" Do-Do asked curiously, "Dad, I already have friends there. I don't want to change to another kindergarten."

"But after you change to another kindergarten, you can make more friends. At that time..." The induced voice of Jack faded away gradually. Covering the quilt with her hands, the smile at the corners of Rachel's mouth became more and more brilliant.

This was the biggest disagreement between the two of them over the years, but Jack didn't notice it at all. It was in this way that Rachel made him retreat.

Rachel turned on her phone and sent the phone number of a kindergarten near her home to Jack.

It was not until Jack read the message that he suddenly realized that he had fallen into the trap set by Rachel from the very beginning. However, he would like to change at this moment.

It was very likely that the quarrel between the two people would have been solved like this.

Since she gave birth to Do-Do, Rachel had transferred her work from the executive department to the cardiology department. Since then, she had devoted herself to her work diligently. Therefore, after the Director of the Department retired, she took that position.

On this day, when Rachel was packing up and about to get off work, her phone rang. Uncle James's deep voice came clearly, "Rachel, are you still working?"

"Yes, I haven't finished." Rachel stopped what she was doing and asked, "Uncle James, what's up?"

"Now that you are not off duty, come to my office. I have something to tell you."

After hanging up the phone, Rachel walked towards the office of the executive. As soon as she entered, he handed her a resume and said with a smile, "This is the grandson of one of my friends. He just graduated from medical school and said that he would be an intern in our hospital. I want you teach him. Is that okay for you?"

"Well..." Rachel was a little hesitated. "Uncle James, is it a little inappropriate for me to teach him?"

"Why?" The executive nodded his index finger two times in the air, "I think you are the most suitable one. You are the Director of the Department, and your professional level is obvious to all. Just do me a favor."

Since he had said that, Rachel had no choice but to nod in agreement.

On the second day, the agreed intern came to report with his resume. Rachel didn't feel it when she looked at his photo. When she saw the person face to face, she only felt that the person looked a little familiar. She just couldn't remember where she had seen him before.

Or the intern recognized her first, "Rachel, have you forgotten? When you gave a graduate lecture in our school, I showed you around the campus."

Hearing this, Rachel had an impression. "Oh, yes, I remember it."

It might be in July last year. At that time, as an outstanding graduate, Rachel returned to the college and attended a graduate lecture. One part of the lecture was to show these graduates around the current college.

And the one who led her was the intern in front of her.

At this time, he reached out his hand and said, "I didn't expect it to be so coincident. Miss Rachel, let me introduce myself again. My name is Jay Yang, and you can call me Jay."

"Okay, Jay. Shall we start?" With a slight shake of his hand, Rachel spread out a set of work notes that she had sorted out on the table and began to explain some points that needed to be paid attention to in detail.

Jack heard about the intern from Michael. It was a coincidence that Michael's father felt a little uncomfortable in the heart that day, so they went to the hospital to ask for Rachel's help. He saw Jay Yang following behind her and the way he spoke was very close to Rachel.

All of those were in Michael's eyes.

After coming out of the hospital, Michael left his father, who was proved to be okay to the taxi driver, and then drove to find Jack.

Michael's father was so angry that he kept cursing, tapping on his crutch, but Michael didn't hear a word at all.

After listening to Michael's narration, although there was nothing unusual on his face, Jack felt very uncomfortable in his heart. That night, after making love, Jack began to ask, "I heard that there is an intern in your department?"

"Well, how did you know?" Rachel felt a little uncomfortable because she was wet and sticky. She wanted to get up and go to the bathroom to wash her body, but Jack pressed her hands and couldn't move at all.

Jack's face darkened, "Why do I hear that he is good to you?"

It was a normal sentence, but it was said in such a gloomy tone, which made Rachel frown. "He is good to everyone in the Department."


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