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Submitting To My Billionaire Ex-Wife by Allison Mild ( Genevieve) novel Chapter 122

Chapter 122 

Under the skeptical gaze of Anthony, Daniel was at a loss for words. It was an incredibly awkward 


He wouldn’t dare to beat Anthony

Yet, watching Anthony hobble out of the hospital room, Daniel’s heart suddenly ached at the sight of his solitary figure. He couldn’t bring himself to describe the gutwrenching scene painted by the doctors

Rushing to clear the paperwork, Daniel scampered away, avoiding Anthony’s gaze, sharp as needles

Anthony was outside on the phone with Jacinta, his voice a blend of warmth and cool distance. Yeah, all’s good now, thanks for your concern, Ms. Sanders. I owe Genevieve big time for getting me to the hospital last night. I was thinking about throwing a dinner to say thanks. Care to join us?” 

There was a pause on the other end, and Jacinta finally declined gracefully. Mr. Hoffman, no need to bother, really. I’m sure Ms. Lawrence isn’t worried about it.” 

Ms. SandersJacinta cut him off, Anthony, I know what you’re thinking. But I still have to tell you, don’t push too hard.” 

Jacinta’s words were filled with an unspoken depth before she hung up. She had seen last night’s events all too clearly. Genevieve held no more space in her heart for Anthony. How could he not see the reality

Divorced couples had better keep their distance

Frowning at his phone, Anthony pondered over Jacinta’s remarks. What exactly was she trying to say?he wondered. Genevieve loves me. I’m just going with the flow.” 

Just as the driver arrived, Daniel finished up with the paperwork and jogged over, only to watch in shock as Anthony got into the car without waiting for him. Daniel muttered to himself, Could he be holding a grudge?” 

Puzzled, Daniel dialed the driver’s number and asked in a roundabout way. The driver coughed. before answering, Mr. Simmons, Mr. Hoffman said you should handle the acquisition matters for now. No need to come back to the company just yet.” 

Daniel was taken aback. Collaborating with Jacinta on the first step was acquiring the AI company, which was akin to climbing up to the sky

In the car, Anthony suddenly received a call from Brendan. Anthony, should I delete the video. from Twitter?” 

For the first time since last night, Anthony remembered the video of him and Genevieve dancing. It probably had everyone cheering, right?he thought

He adjusted his tie with a nonchalant and cavalier flair. Leave it up. Let everyone see what real chemistry looks like!” 

09:40 Sat, 20 Apr 

Chapter 122 

Brendan paused and asked, Are you being ironic?” 

What are you talking about?Anthony casually flipped through a contract with his slender fingers, his detached demeanor leaving Brendan confused

Brendan suddenly asked him. Anthony, you didn’t check Twitter, did you?” 

Anthony rarely looked at such things. Unless Brendan made a point to screenshot or share it with him. Anthony couldn’t be bothered to even open it 

Anthony didn’t say anything. Brendan coughed, You should take a look first. If it’s no good, we can get someone to delete the video. It hasn’t gone viral. Just a few friends shared it. It can be 


After hanging up. Anthony opened Twitter on his phone. Brendan was naturally one of the most active people. There were several pages of comments under one of his videos alone

Anthony’s frown deepened as he scrolled, his expression growing darker by the second

[Good thing this couple got a divorce, feels like they could fall apart at any moment!

[Why did Mr. Hoffman step on her? Did he do it deliberately?

[Genevieve looks like she’s about to curse someone out!

[This pair really defines together but worlds apartin the clearest way!

The more Anthony read, the angrier he got, feeling the injuries on his hand and foot throbbing even more painfully. He opened Brendan’s chat and sent two words: [Delete it!

Couldn’t these blind people see the loving looks I and Genevieve exchanged? It’s infuriating just to watch. Better to delete it! What was it about Genevieve dancing with lan that had everyone raving? How am I any less than that guy?he wondered

Brendan replied immediately: [Okay.Je 

They had shared the video for some laughs, but nobody dared to actually mock Anthony. A single night was enough for everyone to come to their senses. It was time to clean up the mess

In under half an hour, all traces of the video from Twitter were scrubbed clean. The digital air felt clearer somehow. Anthony scrolled through, his dark gaze lifting slightly, his expression visibly lightening up

Genevieve had discussed the details of the acquisition with Jacinta. The outset was as hard as it was crucial

The Al company TuringTech Innovations had at one point set the gold standard for the industry, with its technology years ahead of the world’s curve

However, due to mismanagement, issues like technological leaks and the selling of confidential data arose. With the executives too busy lining their pockets, the staff was gradually poached away

As a result, TuringTech Innovations was nearly a shell of its former self, its current revenue hinging 

09:40 Sat, 20 Apr Gan 

Chapter 122 

on earlystage patent fees

Jacinta wanted to take all of the company’s patents as the bedrock for their project. What they planned to build was a systematic approach to artificial intelligence, encompassing but not limited. to the fields of medicine and psychology

Medical technology had made huge strides, but it was still not mature enough to freely use AI to treat major diseases. Psychology was a unique field, largely untapped when it came to AI applications

Jacinta had sent feelers out in the early stages, but TuringTech Innovations had huge demands, leading to very stiff negotiations

So this time, Jacinta decided not to be involved in the negotiations and left the acquisition task to Genevieve and Anthony’s people. Luckily for Genevieve, Anthony didn’t decide to show up personally; he sent Daniel to handle it

Genevieve breathed a sigh of relief. Avoiding a runin with Anthony was good news to her

But her people couldn’t make an appointment with Johnson, the head of TuringTech Innovations

It took some digging, but they learned that Johnson was a regular at a bar named Midsummer

Genevieve went straight to the bar in a black slip dress

They had to at least meet face to face to get anywhereor else, they were like headless flies, buzzing around aimlessly

But the second she stepped into the bar, something felt off. All the patrons were male

These guys were all eye candy, with sharp features and clean looks, carrying themselves with an effortless, clear charm that was refreshing to see

Genevieve was tempted to whip out her phone and call her friend Selene overto Selene, these guys were total heartthrobs

As she wandered through the venue, a tall, handsome waiter approached her with a kind smile, his voice gentle as he inquired, Miss, can I help you with anything?” 

Genevieve paused and blushed. No, thank you, I’m waiting for someone.” 

The waiter’s warm smile didn’t wane as he served her a glass of lemon water before leaving her to scout the crowd

Circling the bar, she caught a familiar figure at the counter

She walked over, tapped his shoulder, and with a smile said, lan, what are you doing here?” 

Ian, startled to see her, stammered, Youyouyouwhat are you doing here?” 

He was shocked as if he shouldn’t have seen her here

Genevieve casually took a seat next to him, tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ear, her 

09:40 Sat, 20 Apr 

Chapter 122 

on earlystage patent fees


Jacinta wanted to take all of the company’s patents as the bedrock for their project. What they planned to build was a systematic approach to artificial intelligence, encompassing but not limited to the fields of medicine and psychology

Medical technology had made huge strides, but it was still not mature enough to freely use Al to treat major diseases. Psychology was a unique field, largely untapped when it came to AI applications

Jacinta had sent feelers out in the early stages, but TuringTech Innovations had huge demands, leading to very stiff negotiations

So this time, Jacinta decided not to be involved in the negotiations and left the acquisition task to Genevieve and Anthony’s people. Luckily for Genevieve, Anthony did 

decide to show up 


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