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Submitting To My Billionaire Ex-Wife by Allison Mild ( Genevieve) novel Chapter 132

Chapter 132 

Amid the vast sea, there wasn’t much difference between making one or three people disappear

Johnson convulsed violently from head to toe, having sensed Anthony’s intention. He really wants me dead! he thought

In a flash, fear washed over Johnson, and he shouted at the top of his lungs, I’ll tell you, Mr. Hoffman” 

The dark 

that crashed against the cruise ship’s hull made heavy thuds while every hair on Johnson’s body stood on end from fright

The bodyguards observed the gloomy and unmoving Anthony, who simply gazed at the distant sea 

in silence

Terrified, Johnson quickly confessed, I tied her up outside the window. She was right outside when you went in!” 

His voice was hoarse, panicked, and even cracked

Anthony’s expression instantaneously changed as intense coldness surged in his eyes

The bodyguards threw Johnson on the deck, leaving him to curl up on the ground and scream in pain

Anthony walked over grimly, looking down from above as he demanded in an icecold voice, Say that again!” 

No longer daring to lie and feign ignorance, Johnson answered with difficulty while convulsing, When you went in, I was afraid you’d find her, so I tied her outside the window. But then the rope came undone afterward, and she was gone” 

He, too, regretted his decision to go after Genevieve. Had it not been for that, he wouldn’t have fallen into his current predicament

Johnson slumped on the ground in agony and cried bitterly, Mr. Hoffman, I didn’t want her to die. I swear! I was just afraid to be caught by you. I planned to drag her back after you leave, but I really don’t know why she’s gone!” 

Unbeknownst to him, the faces of the two women nearby had turned exceedingly dark.. 

Lauraine, panicstricken, was trembling all over with a face as white as a sheet, unable to say a single word

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Anthony blanched as well, feeling an overwhelming pain in his chest that left his breathing labored. as if something had hit his heart hard

In other words, when I stormed into Room 602 to look for Genevieve, she was actually tied up outside the window

She was right outside, just a few feet away, and yet I didn’t realize it! I didn’t notice anything!he 

Chapter 132 


The knowledge that she was practically within reach engulfed Anthony in regret. In an instant, a heavy weight that was enough to crush his heart settled in his chest

He clenched his jaw as his face turned cold, his gaze darkening. The overwhelming emotions in his eyes showed how close he was to losing it

The whole cruise ship had been searched; there was no way Genevieve was still hidden somewhere 


Lauraine said Louis jumped, but why? What did he see?ruminated Anthony

Instantly, all kinds of thoughts flooded his mind. Anthony’s heart sank even lower as his face turned grimmer

Even though he didn’t want to admit it and still held a bit of hope that pressing Johnson here would give him answers, that ominous thought was starting to feel like reality

If Genevieve’s rope had snapped, and she had fallen on the packed cruise ship, it was impossible that it could’ve gone unnoticed

As such, the only other possibility was that she didn’t fall on the cruise ship but directly into the sea

The overall structure of this cruise ship was like an inverted trapezoid, with a wide top and narrow bottom. The chances of her being discovered were way too slim

Anthony’s heart clenched in pain as dense beads of sweat formed on his forehead. His fear made him unable to face this harsh reality

After all, the surprise he meticulously planned for her had led her to tragedy. It was only understandable that he couldn’t accept it

Alas, the affection he realized he had for Genevieve had come too late. He didn’t even know how long ago it was exactly that she’d taken root in his heart, occupying the most important position

“Who told you to do that? Answer me!With ferocious, bloodshot eyes, Anthony grabbed Johnson by the collar frigidly

His emotions had become completely uncontrollable now as though he might destroy everything at any time

Johnson was already on his last legs from the torture. Anthony’s violent action made him involuntarily tilt his head back and hit the ground

With that, Johnson passed out 

Thereafter, Anthony frenziedly tried to stimulate and wake Johnson up, though it seemed more. like he was finding an outlet to vent his 


However, Johnson simply lay motionless on the ground, virtually about to take his dying breath. As it was the first time Lauraine saw her brother acting this way, she couldn’t help but cry out in 

Chapter 132 


Rushing over, she grabbed Anthony’s arm tremblingly and urged, Tony, stop it. He could die!” 

Anthony wanted to shake her off, but right then, a massive wave hit the cruise ship and shook it

This made him involuntarily fall outward, hitting the railing. As long as he let go of his grip, he’d 

fall into the sea and vanish

Just let go. She’s waiting for you down there. With the child, he mused

And then, he did just that

But the moment he released his grip. Andrea, who was standing not far away, immediately grabbed 

his arm

The rescue boats searched for 24 hours without any success. Louis and Genevieve, like drops of water, had fallen into the vast sea and were nowhere to be found

Meanwhile, Lauraine and Andrea stayed by Anthony’s side without sleeping

Lauraine, guiltridden and terrified, felt as though there was a knife hanging over her head that could drop at any juncture

She feared that if Johnson woke up and ratted out Andrea, her own affairs would also be exposed

When she went out to the bathroom, Lauraine told Andrea about her worries

Andrea shot Lauraine a meaningful glance and comforted her, telling her not to overthink, then told Lauraine to check on Anthony with the doctor


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