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Submitting To My Billionaire Ex-Wife by Allison Mild ( Genevieve) novel Chapter 138

Chapter 138 

Genevieve listened to the servant’s words and didn’t dwell on them too much

After all, this was Louisterritory, and it wouldn’t be polite to pry into his privacy

She stood up decisively. All right, let’s go back.” 

In the following days, whether by the upstairs window or in the garden downstairs, she could see a pink Maserati parked at the gate, attempting to enter but never succeeding

Louismedical team came to consult with her daily without fail, adjusting treatment plans and medications as needed

Though Louis was busy, he still found a few hours a day to talk to her

Genevieve could feel her body gradually improving

However, Genevieve started to feel bored, but her phone was lost, and there was no landline to contact her family in the room

She searched around but couldn’t find a phone

The study was a place that observed a great deal of privacy. Hence, she didn’t feel comfortable entering without permission

She went downstairs to find the servant. Can I borrow your phone?she asked

The servant hesitated slightly, then shook her head. Mrs. Fallon, we’re prohibited from using phones during work.” 

Genevieve furrowed her brows slightly. But there’s no landline at home. How do we contact people outside?” 

The servant chuckled uneasily in response. Mrs. Fallon, the landline was removed because someone installed a bug, stealing trade secrets. Please refrain from contacting outsiders for now. I heard Mr. Fallon has been having trouble at the office recently. He can’t afford any distractions.” 

Genevieve fell silent for a few seconds. She then smiled before returning to her room

It took her a few days to realize that she felt isolated from the outside world

At night, when Louis returned, his demeanor was cold and distant, quite different from when he was with her

When he turned to his study, Genevieve suddenly stepped out of the room. Louis” 

Louis paused in his tracks, the chill fading from his gaze as he turned to look at her gently. You’re still awake?” 

Genevieve pursed her lips’as she walked toward him. Can I borrow your phone? I want to call my 



09:45 Sat, 20 Apr 

Chapter 138 


Louis paused for a moment, then gently raised his eyes. Feeling bored already? Tomorrow, I’ll ask someone to take you out shopping.” 

Genevieve shook her head. I just want to talk to my family. I haven’t called them since I woke up.” 

Louis smiled, took a shawl from the couch, and draped it lightly over Genevieve’s shoulders. Didn’t I already assure them of your safety? Why the hurry again?” 

Genevieve frowned, her sparkling eyes shining, accentuating her perfectly tanned complexion. Louis, I just want to call my parents.” 

Louislips twitched slightly as he pondered for a few seconds before speaking. “Gen, that’s not possible right now.” 

Why not?Genevieve was puzzled

Louis sighed, his expression somewhat complex. There have been some complicated issues within Fallon Group, and we can’t have any contact domestically at the moment.” 

Genevieve remained silent for a few moments, feeling somewhat shocked

Suddenly, an idea struck Louis. Gen, why don’t you help me out? Once this matter is resolved, and when you feel better, I’ll send you back home?” 

I can help?Genevieve asked

Of course,” Louis replied

Then, Louis gestured for her to sit on the small balcony couch and sat opposite her

He briefly explained the current situation of Fallon Group, focusing on the attempt by a shareholder within the company named David Schmidt, who tried to utilize the inheritance law to take over the shares of Fallon Group that belonged to his stepson, Austin

Upon hearing that, Genevieve frowned slightly. Austin? Isn’t he Presley’s eldest son?” 

Louisgaze darkened as he nodded. You must have heard about their relationship, haven’t you? My aunt is Austin’s mother. Technically, he’s my cousin. When he passed away, I temporarily held his shares for my aunt. But now, his stepfather, David, is trying to take over his shares, collaborating with others in the company to cause trouble.” 

Genevieve pondered for a few seconds. So, how can I help you?” 

Get hold of the forged will. Aunt Linda trusts David. The will is kept at their house. Everything will be proven If we can get our hands on that will,he said

But without evidence, how do we prove it’s a forged will?Genevieve interjected

He wouldn’t leave the shares to David, everyone knows their relationship is almost irreconcilable,” Louistone became somewhat stern as if he had deep resistance to David

Genevieve speculated that perhaps his shared upbringing with Austin led to some empathy between the two

Chapter 138 

WellWhat should I do?she asked

Louis glanced at her, smiling slightly. You can get close to Ms. Linda Hoffman and try to retrieve it from her. But she has a bad temper. I’m afraid you might get hurt.” 

Genevieve smiled. It’s okay, I can handle it. I’m happy to help you.” 

So, you’ll have to adapt to being my wife. Make sure she doesn’t suspect our fake marria 


Genevieve nodded solemnly in response

With this goal, she was getting closer to returning home. Hence, she was happy

Moreover, being able to help Louis made her feel less guilty

It was a winwin situation


Louis reached out, tousling her messy hair. Then go rest. Tomorrow, I’ll take you to meet her.” 

Genevieve froze, smiled, and stepped back to evade his touch. I haven’t washed my hair in two days… 

The two exchanged glances before bursting into laughter

The next day, Genevieve changed into a long dress from the wardrobe. There were many new designer clothes there, all shipped from brands around the globe. Her life here wasn’t much different back home


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