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Submitting To My Billionaire Ex-Wife by Allison Mild ( Genevieve) novel Chapter 149

Chapter 149 

Genevieve took out the phone and saw the phone signal was blocked

It was totally unusable

She turned to Yvette in shock. Yvette then put her phone before Genevieve and added, I already noticed it in the car just now. Phone signals are blocked here because Louis has installed something on the estate. You can only make a call with a special phone.” 

Genevieve’s expression froze

Even her palms were sweating

Yvette’s words made her uneasy

WhyGenevieve murmured with a gloomy face

She wondered why Louis had his guard up with her, since she neither had a phone nor had taken the initiative to contact others

Yvette pursed her lips and snorted, I’ve already told you that this man is a liar, a bad guy. Do you know there are bodyguards secretly hiding around you and that he’s catching you in his tender trap?” 

Looking at Genevieve’s delicate face, Yvette stood up angrily and felt discontent for her. You’re such a hopeless romantic. Do you know he’s a twofaced?” 

Genevieve subconsciously looked up at Yvette. Her face was pale, and she looked confused

An uneasy feeling rose in her heart

It seemed that the favoritism within her reach earlier was about to disappear now

Yvette put her hands on her waist and said, I’ve already called your uncle Caspian. Your family thought you were dead, and your parents are still in the hospital now. Your news has been hidden. completely. Didn’t you ever wonder why he did that?” 

Upon hearing that, Genevieve stood up in shock. Her face went pale, and she became anxious. Are my parents okay?” 

She accidentally hit her leg against the table as she spoke. It hurt, but she couldn’t care less

Yvette pursed her lips. I don’t know. Your uncle is in Clusia. After receiving the call, he said he would fly over to find you.” 

Genevieve’s mind was a mess

Yvette could tell Genevieve about the latter’s family accurately. It meant that she wasn’t lying

For a moment, Genevieve felt like those days she had lived were a dream

She asked inwardly, Why did he do this? He could risk his life for me. Was it fake?” 

Genevieve’s expression became gloomy. She was worried about Darrell and Samantha

The first day she woke up, Louis told her he had informed her parents that she was safe

It turned out that was not the truth

Her parents thought she was dead

She wondered how they got through the days without her

Genevieve couldn’t even imagine how sad Darrell and Samantha would be when they learned of her accident

Tears streamed down Genevieve’s face. She felt a piercing pain surge through her heart, making it difficult to catch her breath

She missed her family very much

Seeing Genevieve like that, Yvette lowered her voice and asked, Are you all right? You’ve been tricked. I thought you were after money and didn’t expect that your uncle was Caspian!” 

Genevieve suddenly clutched Yvette’s wrist, trying to suppress her emotions. Please help me. Tell Uncle Caspian I want to go home immediately.” 

In her heart, family was always more important than everything

She was grateful to Louis and even willing to try to like him and accept him

However, that was only when there was freedom and equality between them

She couldn’t accept his deceit

Yvette gave it a thought before agreeing. Okay, But you have to help me find the real Louis.” 

Seeing Genevieve was momentarily stunned, Yvette grabbed her wrist and continued defiantly, You don’t have to doubt it. He must be a fake. Whether the real Louis is alive or dead, I will find him.” 

Genevieve fell silent for a moment and nodded. Okay. But I don’t know where to start.” 

Yvette stared at Genevieve and suggested, His phone, computer, study, and safe. Anywhere private, there could be a clue. I’ve helped you. You have to help me, too. Genevieve, let’s cooperate.” 

Sure,Genevieve agreed

She no longer fully trusted Loujs

The servant brought them coffee. Her expression changed slightly when she saw Genevieve wiping

her tears

She put down the coffee as if nothing had happened and notified Louis afterward

Yvette immediately picked up the champagnecolored box and deliberately spoke in a loud voice.” 

Chapter 149 

You don’t deserve this gift. I’ll take it back!” 

Yvette winked at Genevieve and strode downstairs to leave

Hearing the sound of Maserati leaving, Genevieve felt like she was on a roller coaster and couldn’t 

calm down

She sat still and looked belatedly at her leg, which had just hit the table’s edge

As she rubbed it, it hurt so much that tears rolled down her cheeks

She couldn’t imagine how her family lived in her absence

Meanwhile, Louis quickly returned after the servant had notified him

He looked haggard as if he didn’t sleep well the night before

As soon as he went upstairs, he saw Genevieve sitting on the couch dully, looking at the cold coffee on the table

Her silhouette looked gentle. Even if she didn’t speak, she looked charming

However, her reddened eyes still made his heart sink

Louis loosened his collar and walked over. Was Yvette here? What did she say that made you angry? From now on, no matter what she’s up to, don’t open the door for her. Okay?” 

He tried to touch Genevieve’s shoulder, but she avoided him

His hand froze midair

With a cold expression, Genevieve reached out her hand and said, She didn’t say anything. But I need to talk to my family.” 

Louiseyes darkened. His expression was still gentle, though. Gen, it isn’t the right time yet.” 


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