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Submitting To My Billionaire Ex-Wife by Allison Mild ( Genevieve) novel Chapter 189

Chapter 189 

As Anthony spoke, he looked at Genevieve. The chill in his eyes faded, replaced by a hint of gentleness. Let’s go. I have something to tell you.” 

He grabbed Genevieve’s arm and led her out, fearing she would run off again.. 

Genevieve didn’t struggle either. After all, she had achieved her goal and had enough of leaving him hanging

Any more, and it would be unreasonable

Selene glanced at Abigail and Lauraine, chuckled, and walked out

Abigail’s face burned as if she had been slapped

She hurried to check on Lauraine

Lauraine wasn’t much better off

Although Anthony had told the staff he would settle her bill, she didn’t get those clothes

Lauraine didn’t believe that Anthony was not qualified to acquire them

The luxury gifts that Hoffman Group would give clients yearly should have been enough to make them the most 

esteemed members

As such, that meant that Anthony simply didn’t want to stand up for her

Lauraine trembled and wondered if Genevieve had said something to Anthony

She panicked for a moment but thought that was impossible

If Genevieve had, Anthony would have come to question her

Lauraine, why’s Genevieve with Anthony again? Is this fair to Andrea?Abigail gritted her teeth in anger. Since she dared not vent in front of Anthony, she could only express her dissatisfaction to Lauraine

Lauraine’s eyes darkened. Thinking of Andrea, she felt even worse

She smiled, glanced at Abigail, and said expressionlessly, If you feel like you’ve been wronged, Mrs. Thomson, go talk to my brother. Talking to me won’t help.” 

Emergency calls onlyR

Chapter 189 

With that, she walked out

Dumbfounded, Abigail stood there as if time had stopped

D46% D 18:25 


Genevieve and Anthony walked out, and Selene walked over and took Genevieve’s arm. What’s going on? Your relationship doesn’t seem right.” 

Genevieve raised her eyebrows. What doesn’t seem right? I have many suitors who pursue me.” 

Selene understood what she meant and smiled

Once at the door, Genevieve watched the clerks load the gift bags into the car

Genevieve walked over, glanced at the bags, and took out the dress Lauraine had worn. The rest was given to Selene. This one has been worn, so don’t take this. Give the rest away.” 

She casually gave away the clothes as if they were worthless trinkets

Selene frowned. What about us? Should I make another order?” 

Genevieve smiled and said, You don’t need to worry. I’ll take care of it.” 

She casually threw the dress that Lauraine had worn next to the trash can by the side of the road

If anyone wanted it, they could take it

The two were not going to wear it and found it distasteful

Okay, then I’ll go now. Let me know when you’re free.Selene glanced at Anthony, then chuckled and left

With Selene taking away the gift bags, Anthony didn’t even bat an eyelid

He followed them in silence, listening to their conversation with calm indifference

The driver soon opened the car door

Genevieve got in, and Anthony followed

When Lauraine came out, she saw the dr 

the dress she had worn

next to the trash can

In an instant, her face turned gloomy

Emergency calls onlyIMI 

Chapter 189 

She felt an unprecedented sense of humiliation and anger

She huffed internally, GenevieveIf she can die once, why can’t she die twice?” 

She tensed all over, and in a fit of anger, she suddenly felt a severe pain in her chest

The next second, she collapsed to the ground and fainted

40% 18:25 

In the car, Anthony looked at Genevieve meaningfully, his gaze somewhat oppressive, and said steadily, Did Lauraine offend you?” 

He could see that the wars between women were much more apparent than those between men

Genevieve raised her eyebrows and casually looked out the window. Yes, your sister is someone who seems nice on the outside but is cruel on the inside.” 

Anthony was silent for a moment

He suddenly took Genevieve’s hand and deliberately softened his tone. Then I apologize on her behalf. You’re a generous person so don’t bother with her. If she has done anything wrong, I’ll take responsibility for it.” 

After all, Lauraine was his sister, and she had been sick for many years, so she couldn’t possibly cause any big trouble

He thought it must just be some petty quarrels

Genevieve, however, looked at him fixedly for a while before sneering, I’m afraid you can’t afford to do so.” 

Anthony frowned, loosened his collar, and lazily leaned back. He squeezed her hand. Oh? Then tell me how she offended you.” 

His voice was low and nonchalant as if it were just a casual topic

Genevieve smiled and stopped talking

She pulled her hand away, hugged his arm, leaned on his shoulder, and put on a brilliant and charming smile. Why didn’t you contact me?” 

Anthony’s face stiffened, and he glanced at her subtly

A mixture of anger and helplessness suddenly enveloped his chest. I didn’t contact you? You blocked me and refused to communicate. How could I contact you?” 

Chapter 189 

If she hadn’t reached out to him, he would still be sulking and thinking of solutions in his office

Genevieve, recognizing that he was sulking like a child, burst into laughter but immediately put on an angry face. That day, I waited in the cold wind for almost an hour. If you wanted to talk, you should’ve stood outside my place in the cold wind for an hour too. Otherwise, it wouldn’t be sincere.” 


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