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Submitting To My Billionaire Ex-Wife by Allison Mild ( Genevieve) novel Chapter 209

Chapter 209 

Anthony did not avoid Genevieve while answering the call

Still, Genevieve thought he would just hang up

It seemed that she had underestimated Andrea’s importance to him

Good news, Anthony! I’ve found someone who can donate bone marrow to Lauraine. The donor matched all of Lauraine’s indicators. I’ll be bringing her back this instant!Andrea’s voice was full of surprise and expectation as if it carried great news

Anthony frowned at first, but then he got quite emotional. Okay, I’ll send someone to pick you up.” 

Genevieve was sipping the milk quietly

She and Anthony were in two different worlds, so to speak

Not a hint of emotion was on her face

That would make sense, for it would do her any good that Laurainé secured a match

Genevieve would have let Lauraine off the hook had the latter simply gone with the wind

By the looks of it, that might no longer be possible

Putting down the phone, Anthony still appeared jubilant, but when his gaze reached Genevieve who looked. indifferent, he was stunned for a second

The fact that Genevieve refused to be Lauraine’s donor again had left a knot in Anthony’s heart

Even so, the Hoffman family had no right to strongarm others into doing so

Plus, he did not wish to aggravate the matter to the point of no return, hence never bringing it up

He assumed that Genevieve must be pleased with the outcome.. 

Anthony reached for Genevieve’s hand on the table, cooing, Don’t worry about Lauraine. It’s been settled.” 


Emergency calls only 

Chapter 209 

Genevieve lowered her eyes to hide the coldness in them and uttered with a smile, Well, congrats.” 

She was never worried



Never could she forgive Lauraine for hurting her

She would exact revenge and see whether Lauraine could survive like she did

Anthony smiled, not noticing Genevieve’s mood change

Genevieve never ate much. After having half a cup of milk, she stood up and packed Goldie’s necessities so that she could take the dog with her to the office

Anthony was still spirited after breakfast. Want a ride?” 

Genevieve shook her head with a grin and remarked coldly, Your fiancée’s coming back, so we should be discreet. Best if you be careful, Mr. Hoffman.” 

Anthony’s eyes darkened. His chest felt a tad stuffy

He had indeed overlooked that they could never go public with their relationship

However, he felt bitter to see Genevieve so sane all the time

With that, the two parted ways from the penthouse

Genevieve took Goldie to the office while Anthony headed for the hospital

Not a concerning word did she ask about Lauraine

Hoffman Group had mobilized a flock of staff for checkups, but only a few of them had positive results. Among them, none was suitable to donate

Anthony was exasperated. After all, Lauraine was his sibling

To think that Andrea could find a match, Genevieve knew how eager Andrea had been to gain a foothold in the Hoffman family even when recuperating abroad

Andrea must have been uneasy, knowing that Genevieve was so close to Anthony, or so was Genevieve’s 

Emergency calls only 

Chapter 209 


She smirked and let out a sneer before whistling to Goldie. Slow down, Goldie. What’s the hurry?” 

Goldie wagged its tail and turned to eyed her. Fortunately, Goldie had adapted to having those soft, fitting clothes on itself

As it eyeballed Genevieve, it seemed pitiful

Genevieve sighed and caressed the dog’s head. Let me get you a fake fur to put on, then you can play with other dogs!” 

Goldie could not understand, but it still wagged its tail happily

Its owner had always given it the best, anyway, unlike that guy earlier at home

When Genevieve arrived at the office, she saw to some matters when Darrell’s driver sent Monica over

It was Monica’s first time visiting Genevieve’s workplace but appearing having no fear whatsoever

She toured the place like some big shot

When Monica got upstairs, Genevieve welcomed her with a smile, Grandaunt Monica, Dad told me to take you shopping. Give me a minute to prepare. Come with me to my office. We’ll leave once I’m done.” 

Monica was energetic as she nodded. No hurry. From where I came from, things are always cheaper later in the day. Take your time.” 

Genevieve made no sound as she smiled and led the old lady into the office

Monica ambled around the office happily. Your office is bigger than the square where we dance, Gen. How tiring it is for you to dance here alone!” 

Genevieve’s lips twitched as she broke into laughter. I don’t dance here, Grandaunt Monica. This is just an 


The office looked spacious only because she had asked Jasper to move the bookshelf out. She planned to replace it with a new one later

Emergency calls onlyOM 

Chapter 209 

Monica sat on the couch with her legs crossed. She was all smiles

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Inadvertently, she touched something soft and warm. Fear overtook her expression as she jumped in fright



Jasper had just bathed Goldie, so it was naked without any fur. It was trembling while taking the 

a nap


Monica was shocked to see Goldie crawling out of the blanket on the couch. Both surprised and frightened, she covered her chest and was panting. I was almost scared to death” 

Genevieve hurriedly walked over to pick Goldie up. Grandaunt Monica, this is my dog, Goldie.” 

YYour dog? I thought it was a cat! Is it a new breed? Why doesn’t it have any fur? It lookspretty trendy, huh?Monica racked her brains and could not come up with a compliment

The dog looked hideous yet adorable in its own way

Genevieve smiled and brought Goldie nearer. Monica stepped back in fear. No, no, no. I’m afraid of dogs. I can’t hold it.” 


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