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Submitting To My Billionaire Ex-Wife by Allison Mild ( Genevieve) novel Chapter 225

Chapter 225 

Everyone looked at her

Stella’s expression subtly changed. Yes, I opened it. Mr. Hoffman asked me to bring the plan over to him and asked if Ms. Lawrence had seen it. So I brought two copies, gave one to Ms. Lawrence first, and then personally handed the other to Mr. Hoffman. After Mr. Hoffman finished reading it, I brought it back. As for Ms. Lawrence’s 


Stella pursed her lips and glanced at Genevieve silently

Jacinta furrowed her brows slightly. Anthony’s gaze turned dark as he looked at Genevieve

Did you bring it?he asked

Genevieve gritted her teeth incredulously. She was now implicated in this mess

She demanded, Ms. Leverich, are you implying that I leaked the document?” 

Stella pursed her lips again. I didn’t say that, Ms. Lawrence. Don’t misunderstand me.” 

Frowning, Jacinta interrupted, Genevieve, have someone bring the document over.” 

Of course, she didn’t believe Stella’s nonsense

Genevieve texted Jasper and sat down, her expression cold and indifferent

Silence ensued

Ten minutes later, Jasper brought the unopened document over

It remained sealed

Anthony tapped the document with his fingertips, his gaze turning dark. With an intimidating aura, he said in a deep voice, Let’s put this matter aside for now. TuringTech Innovationsproject will take a break.” 

Genevieve looked up and was the first to object. Why put it aside? Stella just now insinuated that I leaked the document. Shouldn’t we investigate who leaked it and hold them accountable?” 




Chapter 225 

Anthony’s gaze turned darker. Of course, we’ll investigate, but that’s not the most pressing issue.” 

Immediately, Stella approached and examined the document

The document has been opened. It wasn’t sealed like this when I handed it over!she exclaimed

In an instant, everyone turned to Stella

Stella stood there. Taking a deep breath, she looked at Genevieve. Ms. Lawrence, you opened it, right?” 

The fact that the document had been opened implied she could have leaked the document

Stella opened the document in front of everyone, only to find blank pages. Her expression changed. The plan has been switched!” 

Genevieve suddenly realized that she was the target

But was Stella acting on her own, or was Anthony behind it

She glanced at Anthony coldly

Anthony stood up abruptly and glared at Stella. Enough!” 

Seeing the situation, Eric immediately stepped in to defend Genevieve. Mr. Hoffman, what do you mean? Ms. Lawrence won’t stand to gain anything from leaking the plan. How dare Stella wrongly accuse her?” 

Stella quickly stepped back and said softly, I didn’t mean to falsely accuse Ms. Lawrence. It’s just that the situation needs investigation, isn’t it?” 

Anthony’s face was shrouded in coldness

He announced, I’ll have it investigated thoroughly. There’s no need for further discussion.” 

Genevieve sneered, I’m just afraid Mr. Hoffman will pin the blame on someone else.” 

With that, silence filled the conference room

Jacinta couldn’t help but scrutinize Anthony


Don’t Be Stupid, Use a Hydraulic Press Machine 

Chapter 225 

Anthony didn’t react and stood up

He walked straight out of the room

As the situation’s development was different from what Stella thought, she immediately went after him

Just as she reached the office, Anthony suddenly turned back, gripping her neck tightly and lifting her Shocked, Stella stared at him and struggled

  1. up

She felt like a puppet, powerless to resist

Tears streamed down her face as she felt her throat being crushed. Coughing violently, she gazed at him pleadingly

Anthony gritted his teeth in a fury. Do you think I won’t hit a woman? Stella, who do you think you are to take action under my nose?” 

Stella couldn’t breathe. A sense of suffocation overwhelmed her

Death was so close

She couldn’t make his strong arms budge and could only push him away weakly

In the next moment, Anthony suddenly released her

Acting as if nothing had happened, he took out a cigarette and lit it. Smoke swirled around him. He exuded a chilling and disdainful aura

He looked down at Stella like she was misplaced garbage, full of disdain and disgust

Stella covered her throat and coughed in pain. At that moment, she thought she would die for real

After a few seconds, Anthony asked coldly, Who instructed you to do this?” 

Stella shook her head vigorously, tears and mucus streaming down her face

It wasn’t me, Mr. Hoffman. I didn’t leak it!” 

Anthony remarked indifferently, I have another way to deal with stubborn people. Do you want to know?” 


Chapter 225 

Suddenly, Stella felt a chill from the ground enveloping her

Her body trembled

Suddenly, she felt Anthony’s coldness and ruthlessness, which he had deliberately suppressed in front of 


Amidst the swirling smoke, she couldn’t see Anthony’s expression clearly, but she could feel the danger

Someone once told her that Anthony was a loyal and easygoing gentleman

But now, it seemed that the person’s understanding of Anthony was superficial

Her heart was pounding rapidly as she spoke up. I’ll be honest. It was Louis.” 

Anthony narrowed his eyes

He extinguished the cigarette between his fingertips with a light yet decisive motion. The crimson dot disappeared


Ten minutes later, Anthony returned to the conference room

He said darkly, The leak came from Stella. She won’t show up anymore. The losses will be borne by the Hoffman Group. Please don’t worry.” 

Jacinta scowled. Scoffing, she stood up and left directly

She was dissatisfied with Anthony getting the woman involved in the first place

Now that something had happened, he even wanted to blame Genevieve. What a dirty trick

She turned around and left, slamming the door loudly

Others left one after another

Anthony looked away helplessly



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