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Submitting To My Billionaire Ex-Wife by Allison Mild ( Genevieve) novel Chapter 246

Chapter 246 

Genevieve’s eyes gleamed with an icy coldness

She couldn’t stand any of it

Genevieve walked over and slammed the sack down on Anthony

Anthony, pretending to be disabled from his wheelchair, made no effort to dodge the attack even though he had the opportunity

The heavy sack crashed into him with the force of a brick, causing him to gasp in pain

However, as he turned his head, Anthony maintained a gentle smile and calmly asked Genevieve, What’s wrong?” 

Genevieve sneered at Lauraine, who was standing behind Anthony, and remarked, Perhaps you should ask whether your sister has grown tired of her life.” 

Anthony’s expression slightly stiffened

He gave Lauraine a cold look and pursed his thin lips into a thin line

Lauraine stood there, bravely forcing a smile, appearing innocent and confused. She said, Genevieve, what have I done? Why are you so upset?” 

Robert rushed over. He looked aggrieved, and his eyes brimming with tears. He quickly spoke up, saying, It’s her! She gave me 20,000 dollars to drug Ms. Lawrence. She said if I didn’t do it, she wouldn’t let me appear on 

the show!” 

In the meantime, the director next to them was fervently playing upbeat and energetic music, creating an enthusiastic atmosphere with the vibrant beats of the DJ

The director continued to urge Yvette and Stella to show more sisterly affectionon camera


the unfolding situation with Anthony caught the attention of many people

The program hasn’t even officially started filming yet, and there’s already a conflict?they thought


Chapter 246 

Someone called for the director to come over and see what was going on

As the director approached, he heard Lauralne sneer and say, Genevieve, how could you accuse me like this? My money and my medicine are gone. I’ve been looking all over the place for them. I even have a suspicion about who took them!” 

Genevieve’s expression darkened as she fixed her with a cold, Intense gaze

Genevieve thought, Has Lauraine grown a brain? Her tactics have become more refined!‘ 

Robert angrily stomped and pointed at Lauraine, exclaiming, She’s lying through her teeth!” 

Lauraine was left speechless

Genevieve smirked and calmly suggested, Since this is the production team’s area and there are cameras everywhere, why don’t we just review the footage? After all, there are no blind spots in the mansion for filming.” 

Lauraine’s expression stiffened slightly as Genevieve looked at her

Her eyes flashed with a hint of nervousness

She was unaware of the cameras because she had arrived late and had not entered the mansion

If she had known earlier, she wouldn’t have chosen that place

Robert’s eyes lit up as he said, That’s right! Let’s watch the surveillance footage!” 

The nearby director sighed and remarked, None of the cameras inside are turned on!” 

Genevieve looked at him coldly

The director immediately realized he must have misspoken

Lauraine was relieved and smugly remarked, You don’t even have any evidence” 

Enough!Anthony exclaimed. His face grew cold and grim, and his gaze was brooding and intense as if he were struggling to suppress the turbulent emotions swirling within him

His powerful presence instilled fear and intimidation in Lauraine, causing her to recoil


Chapter 246 

Anthony tightened his grip on the wheelchair’s armrest, the veins in his arms slightly bulging, indicating his 

exertion and anger, Look, Lauraine has no privileges here. If she has done anything wrong, the production team has the right to kick her out,he said

Everyone was shocked

Lauraine’s first reaction was one of surprise, then disbelief, and finally embarrassment and a flush of humiliation

How can you defend outsiders over your sister, Anthony? I’m your flesh and blood,Lauraine exclaimed

Anthony’s gaze turned cold and menacing as he addressed her, his voice carrying a frosty edge, Absence of evidence does not equal innocence, Lauraine. Consider this a warning. I’ll overlook it this time, but if there’s a next time, you’re out!” 

The icy glare of his eyes sent a shiver down Lauraine’s spine and caused a slight quiver in her heart. Fear inadvertently crept into her, turning her complexion pale

The surrounding crowd was deadly silent

Only the DJ’s music continued to play in the background. It didn’t fit in with the tense atmosphere

Finally, Lauraine clenched her teeth, her eyes flashing a reddish hue. Fine, go ahead and gang up on me. Genevieve, you’ve got some nerve!she said

She said with tears in her eyes. Then she made her way back to the villa

There was no way to resolve the situation unless she left

Lauraine gained no advantage. Instead, she got a scolding from Anthony

The director wiped the cold sweat from his forehead

Isn’t this supposed to be a reunion?he wondered

When the director turned around, he found Yvette and Stella arguing in front of 


Yvette taunted Stella by saying, Stop acting so innocent! Your financial backer brought a bunch of relatives and friends to the show, all looking for a share of the spoils, huh?” 


Chapter 246 


Stella shot back at Yvette, You’re no saint yourself. Your sponsor isn’t exactly shy about using his connections either. Who’s the pretender now?” 

So, they ended up grabbing each other’s hair and got into another fight

Until they both rolled onto the beach…. 

The surrounding staff looked on in disbelief

The director, who rushed over, was even more surprised

The director thought, Aren’t they supposed to act like affectionate sisters?” 

He had witnessed female celebrities who appeared close in public only to backstab and betray behind the 


But he had never seen two actresses get into a physical fight

With a distant expression, Emilio looked away. He let out a sigh, wondering, When can I finally get rid of these two individuals?‘ 

The director panicked and shouted, Stop, stop fightingBut his efforts were in vain

He instructed the nearby assistants to step in and intervene

But they all shook their heads

Our Yvette likes to handle things on her own. She doesn’t allow us to bully others,said one of the assistants

Stella’s assistant added, If they don’t want to join the fight, we won’t either.” 

The director was left speechless

The director thought, Are they discussing fighting ethics at a time like this?‘ 

Meanwhile, Anthony lifted his head and reached out to grab Genevieve’s arm

Don’t be mad. You can hit me a few times to let off steam if you’re mad. After all, I’m already crippled,” Anthony aid

Chapter 246 


The readers' comments on the novel: Submitting To My Billionaire Ex-Wife by Allison Mild ( Genevieve)