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Submitting To My Billionaire Ex-Wife by Allison Mild ( Genevieve) novel Chapter 302

Chapter 302 

The manager of the product department immediately objected to this plan

The previous products were good. Recalling them will result in significant losses. All the work done this year will be for nothing!” 

Why don’t we spend some money to buy the customer in the hospital and have her confirm that she is allergic to all perfumes? This could minimize our losses!” 

Genevieve was silent for several seconds

Follow Riley’s advice and request cooperation from the public relations department

Suppressing the incident won’t solve the problem. Let’s first stabilize the public mood and then find the person behind it.” 

As soon as she decided to do so, the others could only do so, even if they wanted to object 

to it


ne manager of the product department was a little dissatisfied

It is possible that this is just a coincidence. The consumer may be susceptible to 


Genevieve stood up abruptly, her face cold and calm

I’ve made up my mind. Besides, some individuals within the company must be collaborating with the person responsible for this issue. If you confess, I will show 


If I find you, I will have you banned in this trade.” 

Her words made everyone serious

Genevieve didn’t notice that someone’s expression changed significantly

Emergency calls only 

Chapter 302 

She walked straight out of the meeting room

Okay. That’s all for today.” 

She returned to her office, her chest heaving with anger

Bad things kept happening to her

She had focused all her energy on finding Jeffrey. Now, her company was facing a crisis

Seeing her come in, Selene immediately poured her a cup of coffee

Gen, Jasper told me about it. Is this a coincidence? Was someone trying to extort money?” 


Genevieve took a deep breath and gulped down half a cup, feeling the bitterness intensify

The customers invited to the product launch tryout are regulars. They come from families above the middle class and are unlikely to compromise their appearance for 


So there’s something wrong with the perfume?” 

Selene frowned

She said, Perfume shouldn’t be sprayed directly on the body. Can some microscopic particles be so corrosive that they harm a person’s skin?” 

Genevieve’s chest felt heavy, and she was surprised by this

But she also felt lucky

Fortunately, the consumer’s life was not in danger. Otherwise, the situation would have 

been worse

There was a knock at the door

Emergency calls only 

Chapter 302 


Genevieve said, Please come in.” 

It was Riley

Genevieve knew that she would come and smiled. Ms. Horton, please sit down.” 

Selene left the office sensibly

Riley sat opposite Genevieve

Ms. Lawrence, I think it would be better for you to visit the patient.” 

Genevieve frowned slightly and didn’t say anything

If the person was truly a victim, it would be reasonable for her to make a visit

But if she was colluding with others, things would be different

Riley noticed her hesitation and said, Ms. Lawrence, I have sent all the perfumes from the launch product for testing after sealing them.” 

We i out that the bad perfumes had replaced all the good ones. People would be injured no matter which perfume they tried

This is an unexpected disaster. Public opinion abroad differs from that in our country. Foreign consumers are even more frantic. We must take this opportunity to restore our image, or our company will surely be in serious trouble!” 

Genevieve pressed her lips together and took a deep breath

Okay, I’ll go. Make an arrangement. Ms. Horton, I will put you in charge of this, okay?” 

Riley was relieved, looked at her with determined eyes, and said, Of course.” 

She didn’t pretend to be humble and refuse 

Genevieve appreciated Riley’s confidence

She deserved better for her abilities

Emergency calls only 

Chapter 302 


She turned the ring on her ring finger and said with a smile, I trust you. You can come to 

me at any time if you need anything. You arrange It, and I will play along.” 

Riley nodded with a smile. When she stood up, she accidentally saw Genevieve’s hand, and then her smile froze slightly

Her face subtly changed but quickly returned to normal

She turned around and decisively left the office

Then Selene and Jasper came in

Jasper’s face was gloomy when he walked in, holding a copy of the surveillance footage of the product launch

Ms. Lawrence, this is the surveillance footage of the product launch, including the work behind the scenes

People coming and going are all our employees. At present, no outsiders have been found to touch the perfumes.” 

e pl. the video on the computer

Everything was normal. The staff was familiar with the process of a product launch and were easygoing and straightforward when communicating with the reporters

Before the event started, everyone was getting ready

Selene suddenly paused the video and pointed to the person looking inside at the door

Susan? I saw her this morning.” 

Why Susan was there

Genevieve frowned and asked, Did you arrange any work for her during this time? Is she part of this event?” 

Emergency calls only 

Chapter 302 

Jasper replied, I’ve read the plan for the event. She is not involved in the product launch. Because of Mr. Lawrence, she’s been in a bad mood these days

Others shared her work. She sometimes appeared at the company or participated in ongoing projects

All participants in the event are permanent employees of this foreign company.” 

Genevieve was confused and annoyed

What could be wrong with Susan

The video continued

During the launch, over a dozen people were near the perfumes. However, due to constant surveillance, none of them had the opportunity to stealthily replace the products

Genevieve was deeply troubled


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