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Submitting To My Billionaire Ex-Wife by Allison Mild ( Genevieve) novel Chapter 305

Chapter 305 

If Darrell knew I made things difficult for his daughter, he would probably want to kill me

With that in mind, Wayne pursed his lips

Then he said, Forget it. Let’s deal with this later. You know what to say when you are home.” 

Genevieve smiled. Don’t worry, Mr. Snyder. I will tell my father about your generosity.” 

Wayne nodded happily

Nora’s eyes widened in surprise. Seeing that her father had forgiven Genevieve, she was a little angry

Forget it? Look at my face. How can you let them go?” 

Honey, you have to show some respect for them. Don’t you like their products? You could ask them to send your new products as soon as they are released as compensation. Is that okay?” 

Riley immediately said, That’s exactly what we are trying to do.” 

Nora frowned slightly

At Aroma Delights, all customers were treated equally regardless of their consumption. This was because the quarterly new products were limited, and every customer had to scramble to get them

So Nora found this condition tempting

She hesitated and said, Are we being too lenient on them by accepting this easy deal?” 

Wayne frowned and pointed to Genevieve

Don’t you like her very much? Didn’t you always say you wanted to learn from her

Why do you react this way when you see the person you admire?” 

Nora’s face stiffened. She slowly moved her eyes to Genevieve in disbelief. Then, she looked at Wayne



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Chapter 305 

What?she asked

Wayne said, She is Genevieve. How can you do this to your idol?” 

Genevieve sighed

She didn’t want her identity to be exposed at this moment

Wayne came at a bad timel 

She forced a smile, looked at Nora, and nodded

Thank you for your support. I apologize for letting you down, Ms. Snyder.” 

Nora was too embarrassed to say a word

She wished the ground could open up and swallow her

Genevieve had the same wish

Nora gave an awkward smile

III believe you are innocent!she said firmly

Riley exchanged a glance with Genevieve and tried to smooth things over

She said, Since you trust us, we won’t let you down. When the investigation results come out, I will tell you immediately.” 

Genevieve smiled and nodded. Yes. If you don’t mind, you will become the first person to try our new products and we will send them to your house.” 

Nora refused by waving her hand

You don’t have to make an exception for me.” 

She was putting on air just a minute ago, but at this moment, she was very kind

Well, that’s it. Stay here, Nora. I will lead them down.” 



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Wayne then looked at Genevieve

Genevieve nodded

Goodbye, Ms. Snyder.” 

Nora twisted her fingers nervously

When they were about to leave, she suddenly plucked up the courage and said, Um, can we add each other on WhatsApp and take a picture?” 

She picked up her phone and handed it over nervously

I want to get in touch with you when I come home.” 

Genevieve smiled. Of course!” 

Nora took out her phone and added Genevieve on WhatsApp. She was beaming with joy

Then she opened her camera and took a selfie with Genevieve

She covered her face with a smile, not caring if her face was ruined. She was very happy

Then she said, smiling, Don’t give up. You can do it.” 

Genevieve blinked and said, Same to you. You will definitely find a better man!” 

Nora nodded solemnly

Genevieve and the others left

Wayne sent them downstairs

Then he said with a frown, Genevieve, I’ve heard about your conflict with Mad Dog. You are quite close to the Simpson family?” 

Genevieve pursed her lips and smiled

Professor Simpson has helped me a lot.” 


t betw en the two 

I am not trying to create conflict between the two of you. If you are finished using him, it is best to leave. The 

Simpson family has high expectations for what they receive in return. If they do not benefit much from you, they will not allow you to take advantage of them.” 

Wayne’s words made sense

But Genevieve just smiled faintly. How could she leave

Mr. Snyder, I’m not in a hurry, but thanks to you today, I’ll treat you to dinner next time.” 

Wayne smiled and waved his hand

The people here are very cutthroat and cunning in their business dealings. I have warned you. If you sense any 

danger, leave immediately.” 

Genevieve smiled and nodded. Okay, I will.” 

Then they left

On the way back, Riley breathed a sigh of relief

We are lucky that Ms. Snyder is your fan. Otherwise, I wouldn’t know how to handle it.” 

Jasper interrupted, holding up his phone

Ms. Snyder posted a selfie with Ms. Lawrence on the internet and even defended us.” 

Genevieve took his phone

She saw the selfie they had just taken

In the photo, Genevieve was smiling. Both she and Nora appeared casual and relaxed

Nora wrote: [Aroma Delights, you can do it! I will always believe in you and the truth. I’m a loyal fan and will 

support you forever!

Many people made comments

[The victim is rooting for Aroma Delights. Does this mean it has been framed?


Chapter 305 

Wayne then looked at Genevieve

Genevieve nodded

Goodbye, Ms. Snyder.” 

Nora twisted her fingers nervously

When they were about to leave, she suddenly plucked up the courage and said, Um, can we add each other on WhatsApp and take a picture?” 

She picked up her phone and handed it over nervously

I want to get in touch with you when I come home.” 

Genevieve smiled. Of course!” 

Nora took out her phone and added Genevieve on WhatsApp. She was beaming with joy

Then she opened her camera and took a selfie with Genevieve

She covered her face with a smile, not caring if her face was ruined. She was very happy

Then she said, smiling, Don’t give up. You can do it.” 

Genevieve blinked and said, Same to you. You will definitely find a better man!” 

Nora nodded solemnly

Genevieve and the others left

Wayne sent them downstairs

Then he said with a frown, Genevieve, I’ve heard about your conflict with Mad Dog. You are quite close to the 

Simpson family?” 

Genevieve pursed her lips and smiled

Professor Simpson has helped me a lot.” 


Chapter 3051 

I am not trying to create conflict between the two of you. If you are finished using him, it is best to leave. The Simpson family has high expectations for what they receive in return. If they do not benefit much from you, they will not allow you to take advantage of them.” 

Wayne’s words made sense

But Genevieve just smiled faintly. How could she leave

Mr. Snyder, I’m not in a hurry, but thanks to you today, I’ll treat you to dinner next time.” 

Wayne smiled and waved his hand

The people here are very cutthroat and cunning in their business dealings. I have warned you. If you sense any danger, leave immediately.” 

Genevieve smiled and nodded. Okay, I will.” 

Then they left


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