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Submitting To My Billionaire Ex-Wife by Allison Mild ( Genevieve) novel Chapter 387

Chapter 387 

Daniel changed the topic and spoke immediately

It’s been so many days. Do you want Ms. Lawrence to come and have a look?” 

Anthony was stunned. He thought differently from what he said

Who misses her? After all these days, she hasn’t made a move. I’m not a masochist. How can I miss such a cruel Daisy

Besides, my mind is so full of work that I’m not going to waste it on anything other than work” 

Daniel twitched the corners of his mouth. Looking at the light apricot dress at the door, he felt nervous for Anthony in an 


He coughed heavily and smiled at Anthony

Let him look out

As a result, Anthony finally found an opportunity to complain about his grievances to Kenneth and establish his authority in an instant

He was talking very enthusiastically. His stomach was full of grievances and complaints. Why didn’t he see her when he woke up

I didn’t see her when I woke up. It’s been several days, and she hasn’t come yet

Doesn’t it matter if he lives or dies

Anthony kept talking and almost smashed the other document in his hand

Don’t mention her to me in the future. I will never be interested in Daisy again!” 

Daniel was helpless and kept pursing his mouth to let him look at the door

Anthony frowned and retorted

Did you have a cramp in your mouth?” 

Daniel’s mouth froze and returned to normal

The next second

The man outside pushed open the door of the ward and came in

Genevieve and Jasper in tandem

Genevieve didn’t know whether she heard it or not, and the smile on her face was perfunctory

She winked at Jasper

Jasper immediately hands the basket to Daniel

I heard that Anthony had a car accident, and Mr. Lester came here as soon as he got the news. It’s just a token of his kindness. We are relieved to see that Anthony is energetic, quickwitted and unaffected!” 

Daniel couldn’t even smile

Chapter 387+ 

He thought, Damn it! I don’t know what you are talking about.” 

Anthony looked straight at Genevieve and was so happy that he forgot his attitude just now. He smiled slightly, and the coldness on his face disappeared

So you just found out about my accident, and I knew you wouldn’t be so cruel

I’m really glad you can come. Even if you don’t, I know that you miss me in your heart, and I am also very happy!“ 

Anthony put himself down so low that Daniel didn’t even realize it

Is this the same person saying it before and after

Genevieve stands there and looks at his leg in plaster

It’s good that Anthony is fine. Don’t think too much about it. Just focus on your work. A cruel Daisy like me is really not worth others to waste their time thinking about!” 

Anthony’s face stiffened, and he frowned instantly

Is there a gentler, kinder and more beautiful Daisy than you in this world?” 

Daniel and Jasper were speechless

Genevieve was not surprised that he suddenly changed his mind. After all, Anthony’s face changed faster than the weather in 


She couldn’t help rolling her eyes and said

Okay, I’m glad you’re okay. I’ll go now and come to see you next time!” 

When will you be free next time? When will you be free next time?” 

Anthony asked

Who knows if this is a polite remark

He took it seriously

Genevieve pursed her lips, glanced at him, and said faintly

I don’t know. Grandma Margaret will introduce me to two blind dates. By the way. I have to go and meet them. Goodbye! I’ll send you wedding candies when they are successful!” 

After saying that, she turned around and left

Anthony almost vomited to death. He was so angry that his face turned pale and he couldn’t speak

Send me the wedding candy?” 

He gritted his teeth. He hadn’t even eaten his own wedding candies, so he asked him to eat the wedding candies of his ex- wife and others

One day, he will definitely do something unexpected

Anthony gritted his teeth and wanted to get out of bed

He forgot he had a cast on his right leg


Chapter 387 

He fell halfway under the bed

Daniel hurried to help him, and Jasper also helped him

Anthony, are you okay? I’ll call the doctor in right now!” 

Anthony grabbed Jasper and said

Genevieve is going on a blind date? Is it true or not?” 

Jasper pursed his lips and said

Anthony, everything depends on what Mr. Lester said!” 

In other words, it’s not fake

Anthony slowly closed his eyes

This car accident happened at a really bad time

Genevieve didn’t lie about going on a blind date

The doctor introduced by Grandma Margaret had invited her to meet him

Although she didn’t intend anything to happen, it was rude not to meet him

She planned to meet him and clear up the misunderstanding 

So they agreed to meet in a coffee shop not far from the hospital

After seeing Anthony, Genevieve went over

The doctor’s name is Lance. He may be busy and he apologizes for being late many times

Genevieve expressed understanding

The profession of doctor is sacred and tall

It’s okay to wait a little longer

She ordered a cup of coffee and sat by the window

There were other people celebrating their birthdays in the store. They looked like college students who hadn’t graduated yet, and three or five girls gathered together to laugh

Genevieve felt happy listening. She used to go out with Emilio and Selene


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