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Submitting To My Billionaire Ex-Wife by Allison Mild ( Genevieve) novel Chapter 53

Chapter 53 

Genevieve was stunned momentarily when she saw Louis 

Louis walked toward her with a gentle smile on his face. He appeared dignified as he greeted everyone calmly Finally, he looked at Genevieve and smiled

Gen, are you surprised?Louis asked 

It was a surprise he prepared only for Genevieve

The people around them directed confused and envious gazes at them 

Genevieve froze for a moment, then stood up and chuckled 

It’s quite a surprise. Mr. Fallon, I didn’t anticipate you coming here personally to inspect the project. No wonder you’re so successfullGenevieve exclaimed 

Louis smiled cheerfully and did not explain anything

Genevieve wasn’t the only mystery guest who suddenly appeared at the program. Louis, a financial magnate from abroad. also showed up

Standing beside each other, they gave off an impression of being a match made in heaven. They had so much chemistry that it was as if sparks were flying between them

The clip of them was broadcast live online and instantly caused a heated debate 

Netizen A. [Why do I feel like Louis is here especially for Genevieve?

Netizen B: [Does anyone else think they make a perfect couple, especially in terms of their appearances

Netizen C: After Genevieve’s divorce, she had become so much prettier it was as if she had transformed into another person‘] 

Netizen D. Please get married, Louis and Genevievel I’ll pay for your wedding

At Hoffman Group 

Anthony was in a meeting, and the department head’s report wasn’t particularly outstanding Picking up his phone, he tapped on the link sent to him by Brendan 

He saw the video clip of Louis and Genevieve and the comments below the video

Gen? Why does Louis address her so intimately? he wondered

Suddenly, his face darkened, and he sprang to his feet. The sound of the chair scraping against the floor was loud

Everyone was shocked, and the department head’s face turned pale. He was so frightened he could not even speak articulately

Chapter 53 


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Anthony walked out of the door with a cold expression on his face. He called Brendan and spoke in a frosty voice when Brendan picked up his call

What’s going on? Where did this video come from?Anthony asked

Brendan chuckled

guess they attended the same program, but it seems Louis went there with the sole purpose of meeting Genevieve. His eyes are filled with adoration when he looks at her,Brendan replied with enthusiasm

Anthony sneered, and his gaze grew colder

Brendan pursed his lips, sensing something was amiss with Anthony. Immediately, he tried to console his friend

Tony, don’t be angry. You are divorced. It is normal for someone to pursue her. Try to be more openmindedBrendan 


Before Brendan could finish speaking, Anthony hung up the call

Brendan fell silent

Looks like he still can’t get over her,he mused

Anthony found the phone number of the director of the program and called the director, speaking in a cold, ruthless tone

Get Louis out of the program that Genevieve is attending!Anthony demanded

The director was momentarily shocked. He couldn’t afford to offend Louis, given his esteemed status. Furthermore, Louis invested in the program

However, he could not afford to offend Anthony either and was in a dilemma

Mr. Hoffman, it’s too late. He will attend the program for twenty minutes, but the editing team can cut it out later!the 

director said

Anthony’s face turned green with anger. He hung up the phone and stomped his way downstairs aggressively

The mere sight of those men gathering around Genevieve brought unease to his heart

After all, she was his exwife. How could other men covet her

Besides, Anthony was convinced that Genevieve still had feelings for him. He believed that Louis was just a substitute for 


To Anthony, the latter was just as insignificant as a little fly who was not worth mentioning

However, Anthony hated flies

Meanwhile, the program continued.. 

Louisarrival made the atmosphere much livelier. Even Regina, who had been distant and cold before he came, was finding chances to approach him

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Chapter 53 

Unfortunately, Louis was polite but aloof, constantly keeping his distance

From time to time, he helped Genevieve carry things and wash fruits. He even praised the interns at Eagle Entertainment, Including Jessica

Genevieve laughed and spoke with him

A moment later, Regina walked over with several cups of coffee

Before Genevieve could accept the coffee, Regina accidentallyspilled it on Genevieve

Everyone was slightly shocked

The room fell silent

Everyone with eyes saw through Regina’s little trick

Regina’s hostility toward Genevieve was so obvious

All eyes were on Genevieve and Regina


Regina covered her mouth and feigned fear and guilt

I’m sorry, Ms. Lawrence. You won’t blame me, will you? My hands slipped and I accidentally spilled it on you,” she said

After all, Genevieve is a mere employee after her divorce. What’s so great about her?she thought

Reginadid not think of Genevieve as a threat at all

She resented the fact that Genevieve drove Rosalie away. If it weren’t for Genevieve, Regina would be the lead character 

and would’ve been popular on the internet

To make matters worse, even the wealthy and brilliant Louis ignored Regina because of Genevieve

to fight for 

Regina had no choice but what she wanted herself

Genevieve smiled, wiped the stain on her chest with a tissue, and casually glanced in the direction of the camera

It’s okay. I don’t blame you, Genevieve said

The host hurried over to smooth things over, and Regina stood up smugly

I don’t think Genevieve will dare to retaliate in front of the camera, she mused

She sat gracefully across from Genevieve, poured another cup of coffee for her, and placed it in front of Genevieve

Her demeanor appeared smug, as if she had once again gained the upper hand

However, the next second, Genevieve picked up the cup of coffee and splashed it on Regina’s face without a word

Ah!Regina yelled

Regina stood up in shock and failed to keep her composure. Her makeup was ruined, rendering her pathetic as she glared 

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Chapter 53 

at Genevieve, her embarrassment giving way to anger

Genevieve, how dare you!Regina demanded

She was so angry that she was trembling

Regina didn’t expect Genevieve, who looked like a gentle, meek pushover, would dare to retaliate and splash coffee on her right in front of everyone

Genevieve blinked her clear and innocent eyes and deliberately imitated Regina’s hypocritical tone

It was also an accident. You won’t blame me, will you?Genevieve asked

No one was willing to help Regina, and they even pretended as though they did not see the conflict

The camera crew didn’t dare to say anything, but deep down, they were slightly excited. This is such a significant event and great material for the program! they thought


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