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Submitting to My Ex-Wife novel (Pearl and Marc) novel Chapter 44

Chapter 44 

You’re finally here.” 

Lucas stood up. Marc paused and followed suit

Pearl was dressed very simply and casually today. She was wearing a light blue shirt with white straight pants and a pair of pearlwrapped high heels. Her light gray sweater was simply draped behind her and tied in front of her

The clothes were simple, but Pearl looked indescribably fashionable

Marc narrowed his eyes slightly. Every time Pearl appeared, she would always give him a thousand surprises, but none of them were like his exwife

In the past, Peart was always dressed in warm pajamas in front of him. Her hair was long and draped behind her back or tied into a bun. She looked like a good wife

It wasn’t that Marc didn’t like Pearl like that. He just felt that Pearl, at that time, was like a dummy who was deliberately trying to please him at all times

That feeling made Marc very uncomfortable

The one in front of Marc now was Pearl’s true self

Although it made Marc feel a little unfamiliar from time to time, it looked extremely 


I’ve been waiting for you for a long time.” Lucas stretched out his arm to hug Pearl from afar, but he was stopped by her finger and pushed away

Pearl retracted her finger in disdain and said coldly, Don’t hug me the moment you see me. Do I know you very well?” 

Due to Lucas’s actions, Marc furrowed his brow, but thanks to Pearl’s words, his brow relaxed, and he smiled in satisfaction. Knowing how to refuse is a good thing.” 

Lucas didn’t care. He smiled and winked at Pearl, saying, We’ll get closer after a few more hugs.” 


Chapter 44 

Pearl had no intention of getting closer to Lucas. She walked straight to the elevator

You should give me a headsup next time you plan to visit. My schedule can be unpredictable, and if you come all this way only to find me unavailable, wouldn’t that be me neglecting you, Mr. Lucas?” 

Although Pearl’s words sounded polite, she was actually expressing her displeasure at Lucas’s unannounced and early arrival

Lucas waved his hand to signal Marc to follow. Then, he replied to Pearl, It’s alright. I’m an idle person. I’ve always done whatever I want. I came to look for you because I missed you. I came so early today because Marc was urging me to do so.” 

Pearl took the express elevator to the CEO’s office, with Lucas following closely behind. However, as Marc was about to board the elevator, he was stopped by a bodyguard

Lucas hurriedly said, We came together.” 

Then, Lucas looked at Pearl. Marc is also very interested in the horse ranch business and wants to work with us.” 

Pearl looked at Lucas expressionlessly. I only agreed to cooperate with you.” 

Having one more partner wouldn’t hurt, would it?Lucas grinned and winked at Marc, who was left outside the elevator, gesturing for him to speak up quickly

Thomas was about to explode in anger. But Marc looked calm and businesslike

Ms. Woolery, I also want to participate in the business of the horse ranch in the northern 


Pearl looked at Marc calmly. Her clear eyes were emotionless as she sized him up coldly for a while. Her red lips parted slightly as she spat out an indifferent sentence

You want to work with me? Who are you?” 

Marc was stunned for a moment

The elevator slowly closed and ascended. Just like that, Marc was mercilessly abandoned by his exwife at the elevator door


Laughter filled the CEO’s office

Lucas followed behind Pearl. He really could not hold it in anymore and was about to faint from laughter. This caused everyone in the CEO’s office to look over

Pearl glanced at Lucas with disdain. Are you done laughing?” 

I’m sorry. I really can’t help itIt’s too ridiculous!” 

Lucas laughed until he was about to cry. He pointed outside and said to Pearl, You don’t 

know how arrogant Marc is. He’s always been the one giving others attitude, but you actually, you actually” 

There was another burst of laughter. Lucas imitated Pearl’s posture and voice. You want to work with me? Who are you?” 

Lucas couldn’t help but praise Pearl. You’re too cool!” 

Pearl could not be bothered with Lucas. She turned around and said to Mason, who could not stand it anymore, Go and organize the documents about the horse ranch. We will leave at 9:15 sharp.” 

Yes.Mason received the order and left, closing the door behind him

The moment the door closed, Mason clenched his fist and quietly exclaimed, Yeah!” 

While Mason didn’t express it as exuberantly as Lucas, he also found satisfaction in Pearl’s attitude toward Marc just now. Marc had gone too far when he mistreated Pearl last night. He deserved to be embarrassed

The Vice President, Samuel, came to the CEO’s office and saw Mason’s series of actions and expressions from afar. What are you doing?” 

Mr. Goodman.Mason quickly restrained his attitude and posture. Under Samuel’s questioning, Mason briefly recounted what happened last night and this morning

At that, Samuel frowned

It was Marc again


What did Pearl do during the three years she was missing in Machodean? Why did she come back so different, so intense? What had caused her to be so emotionally wounded and determined

Could all of this be related to Marc

With that thought in mind, Samuel handed the documents in his hand to Mason and turned around to take the elevator down. He wanted to ask about it

In the hall on the first floor, Thomas stood quietly behind Marc, carefully watching Marc’s expression 

Thomas was afraid that Marc would tear down the entire building if he was angry

Thomas had followed Marc for so many years. This was the first time Marc had taken the initiative to ask for a collaboration. He did not expect to be rejected 

Last time, Marc was also rejected here

Marc was rejected by the same person

Last time, Pearl said, I’m not free. I don’t want to see him. He wants to see me? Maybe in 

his next life.” 

This time, Pearl said, Who are you?” 

Pearl really didn’t take Marc seriously at all


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