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Such a Rude and Noisy Woman novel Chapter 209

"Attention please, everyone. If you have finished your lunch, please go back to your work.

Gossiping about superiors in public is strictly prohibited. This is one of the company rules. Anyone caught breaking the rules will be punished severely."

Rachel raised her head and looked around. She saw Daniel standing in the middle of the staff canteen, holding a microphone.

The whole canteen quieted down immediately after Daniel's announcement. Those who had finished eating quickly put away their dishes and walked away, and those who hadn't lowered their heads and focused on eating.

Rachel thanked Daniel in her heart. Without all the nagging voices, she could finally eat her meal in peace.

When she returned to the office, Daniel was already waiting for her.

"I know you want to thank me. You're welcome, my friend. Don't be too moved and fall in love with me. I can't accept the love of a married woman, " joked Daniel, sitting with his legs crossed and looking at Rachel with a smile.

Rachel smiled back and asked, "How did you know I was in the canteen?"

"Your husband called me and told me you were eating at the canteen. He was worried that you wouldn't be able to put up with the gossip, so he asked me to rescue you. I didn't want to interrupt your meal, so I figured this was the best way to help you, "

Replied Daniel with a light smile, touching the stud on his left ear.

"Ever since you were kidnapped at the theater, Hiram has been blaming himself for not protecting you. So now, he doesn't want to see you be hurt by anyone or anything. He loves you so much!" continued Daniel.

Rachel shrugged and said, "I'm going back to work now."

At her desk, Rachel massaged her head to clear her brain so that she could concentrate on her work. So many things were happening to her recently that she felt like she was going crazy.

She had always thought that she was strong, But sometimes, she felt like life was very hard for her.

She was just a woman. Although she had been trying to stay strong and respond calmly to whatever life threw at her, there were times when she couldn't stand her ground.

Rachel busied herself with work the whole afternoon. Since she hadn't finished her work in the morning, she had to catch up on everything she'd missed.

When it was time to get off work, Rachel and her colleagues were still buried in their work. Ever since they got back from the training, Daniel's team was working harder.

Suddenly, Penny, who was sitting at the desk in front of Rachel's, turned around and knocked on Rachel's desk. "Rachel, " she called in a low voice.

Rachel, who was busy checking her work before calling it a day, lifted her head and saw Hiram walking towards her.

His starched white shirt and deep gray suit perfectly outlined his slender body. With his well-shaped eyebrows and piercing black eyes, Hiram was very charming.

His sudden appearance immediately attracted the attention of Penny and Millay, who were gazing at him with their mouths open.

"So handsome!

Why can't I meet such a perfect man and marry him?" the two girls murmured to each other as they watched Hiram walk to Rachel.

The men they met were either good-looking but poor, or rich but not good-looking.

"Haven't you finished your work yet?" asked Hiram, who had been waiting for Rachel outside for about 30 minutes. Since she hadn't come out, he came in to see her.

"Just a minute." Rachel glanced at him and quickened the movement of her hands. When she finished, she turned off the computer and stood up to grab her things.

Hiram noticed that there was a picture of Rachel and him on her desk. He remembered that Anya had taken that picture for them when they were in Streams Garden.

"Carry my bag for me. I'm going to the washroom, " Rachel said as she handed the small bag to Hiram before walking towards the washroom.

She'd been so focused on her work that she hadn't even had the time to go to the washroom.

Penny and Millay, who were secretly observing the couple, exchanged glances. They'd always imagined that Rachel would be humble and keep a low profile in front of Hiram. But now, she'd asked him to carry her bag, and Hiram had taken it naturally, just like any ordinary husband would do for his wife.

Hiram frowned at the canvas bag in his hand. He had bought a cabinet of handbags from famous brands for her. She, however, still used this old one. She was being too economical.


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