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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1000

Chapter 1000 Crazy Georgia

"Mr. Clarke, please take another look at this one."

With a sweet smile, Jennifer said to Zack. "This is designed by drew. He is the only boy on the design team. His design inspiration is strange and explosive."

Zack took the design and looked at it carefully with a gentle smile on his face all the time.

"Nice work. I like it very much! It suits young people's personality."

"Thank you, Mr. Clarke."

Joan listened to their conversation and found that Zack liked Jennifer very much! She was the only one in his eyes!

The door was open. Joan had been standing outside for so long, but he didn't notice her.

Joan didn't forget the purpose of this trip. She quickly took out her phone and took a few photos of them!

The woman's intuition told Joan that there was something wrong between Zack and Jennifer.

The two of them were having an affair! Maybe he had crossed the line!

He worked overtime for her!

This was confirmed.

Joan couldn't stand the way they talked and laughed.

But she didn't dare to step in.

Zack didn't love her at all. If she came here and bothered him without his permission, it would only make him angry.

Joan understood that only those who were loved and doted on could be willful and emotional.

After taking the photos, Joan went downstairs by elevator. She didn't know how she got out of the company.

She felt her feet heavy and her whole body floating.

Holding a dinner box in her hand, she stood on the street in a daze.

His smile and tenderness and the intimate distance between them made Joan feel so terrible!

But she couldn't cry. She was a mature woman! She could only try to suppress these emotions, but her vision had gradually blurred.

After all, she was a woman... A woman who lost her husband.


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