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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1020

Chapter 1020 Joan’s Meeting with Jennifer

Joan met his gaze, bewildered.

Wasn't he angry at all?

At this moment, Ivan stood up and said politely to the woman, "Mrs. Clarke, if there is nothing else, bye."

"Mr. Marsh!" The woman stood up abruptly, "You..."

"Andrew, send the guest off." After speaking, Ivan walked towards the door.

Andrew quickly came to Joan, "Mrs. Clarke, please."

Joan looked at the slender figure quickly disappearing through the door in a daze.

How could he not be angry when he was cheated?

What was wrong?

"Mrs. Clarke, please!" Andrew looked polite, but he emphasized his tone.

Joan could only take left the Marsh Group with questions.

She thought about it and guessed that Ivan just didn't want to show his anger.

Since he took the photos away, he wouldn't let Jennifer go.

Thinking of this, Joan immediately felt that this trip was worth it.

She took a taxi to the Clarke Group.

On her way, Georgia called, "Mom, how was it? Have you met Ivan? "

"I gave him the photo." Joan said, "I just got out of the Marsh Group. I am now going to the Clarke Group for Jennifer."

"How did Ivan look like? Did he lose his temper? " Georgia was looking forward to the answer.

Joan smiled, "He cares about his reputation. He won't lose control of his emotions in front of me. "


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