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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1051

Chapter 1051 Tristan Being Taken Away

Jennifer was moved and the memories from over twenty years ago appeared vividly in her mind.

Jennifer didn't care about identities and hugged Aiden, "Aiden, I heard from dad that you prepared rooms for us. Thank you."

Aiden's eyes filled with tears and she said, "It's so good you're home. I have missed you day and night. You're still alive... God bless you..."

Then she said hello to Ivan, "Mr. Marsh, nice to meet you."

Jennifer turned to look at the boy standing on a step.

He wasn't dad's son, how could Zack take it? It must be a huge blow for any man.

Fortunately, Ivan had promised her than he wouldn't tell Zack about it for now.

Thinking of this, Jennifer hated Joan and gritted her teeth. How could someone be so vicious?

"Aiden, what's the boy's name?" Jennifer asked in a gentle voice and walked over to hold the boy's hand.

Eason was quiet and obedient, he didn't struggle or resist her touch.

It surprised Aiden, "Ms. Clarke, this is Eason. He's Mr. and Mrs. Clarke's son. But he's autistic and retarded..."

"How old is he?" Jennifer looked at her.


Sure enough, her guess was right.

Then, Aiden took them to the dining room. Zack called and told them to eat first.

Meanwhile, just as Tristan parked the car down the apartment building, several police cars surrounded him.

Before he could figure out what happened, he was arrested.

Because there was blood on his clothes, hands and the steering wheel, which was solid evidence.


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