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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1062

Chapter 1062 Ivan’s Appreciation

Phoebe immediately stood up, walking towards her with her phone. "Mr. Clarke posted a clarification online three minutes ago. There are almost a thousand comments below."

Jennifer's heart performed a somersault. She hurriedly picked up her phone to open Twitter. "Which account, Phoebe?" she asked.

"The company's official page."

Jennifer clicked the account and read her father's clarification ASAP.

Then she saw "by Zack Clarke" at the end of it.

Her expression changed slightly. Her heart tightened. Jennifer wondered why Zack had done so.

He had set up a public image with a happy family. After posting the clarification, the image was ruined right away without a sigh beforehand.

As expected, she saw how shocked the netizens were by the comments below.

Jennifer, however, wasn't delighted, although she could feel the deep love from her father. She knew how much Zack had lost.

"It's so unfair, Ms. Brooks." Susan heaved a sigh.

Jennifer looked back at her. "What's wrong?"

"You married Mr. Marsh. Why am I not the daughter of the Clarke family?" Susan joked with a smile, "Even if I only have such an identity, my life will be completely different."

Phoebe chuckled, "The world is never fair. You can try to have a better identity next life."

Jennifer put down her phone and left the office.

At the door of the president's office, she bumped into Tristan, who happened to walk out. He nodded at her, and Jennifer beamed at him. Then she knocked on the door.

Zack, sitting at the desk, looked up. "Enter, please." Then he saw his daughter walking towards him.

"I've read the post, Dad." Jennifer stopped before him and muttered, "In fact..."

"No. Don't say anything." Zack smiled at her lovingly. "I'm too joyful. I want everyone to know I've found my daughter."

"I want to share the joy with others."

Jennifer didn't see the sorrow in his face or eyes.

They looked into each other's eyes. Gradually, a smile blossomed across Jennifer's face.

"Michelle, when will you introduce your children to their grandfather?" Zack stood up, pinched her shoulders, and asked expectantly.


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