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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1303

Chapter 1303 The Interview

"It is our fate that brings us together. We should all learn to cherish it, so every relationship can last," Violet said, lifting her cup of milk, "No one can keep giving without receiving an equivalent response. She will naturally become weary and start to doubt the relationship."
"I hope Dr. Watson will come to understand this," Albert raised an eyebrow, "We must not worry too much about the young people."
Rowan was driving towards a popular breakfast shop in Arkpool City.
Claire's phone in her bag rang. She pulled her hand from Rowan's grip, took the phone out from her bag. It was Saskia Holt. She quickly answered, "Hello, Saskia."
"Miss, you finally turned on your phone!" Saskia Holt's anxious voice came through, "How are you? Are you okay? Are you distraught?"
"Huh?" Claire was momentarily stunned.
"I saw the news yesterday and learned about the sudden end of your first love," Saskia Holt's voice came again.
"No, it's not as terrible as you say," Claire hurried to explain.
"Huh? You don't know?" Saskia Holt was surprised, "Then did I worry for nothing? Didn't you watch the news? Your boyfriend brought another woman home to stay overnight!"
Saskia Holt's voice was so loud that Rowan, who was driving, heard some of it.
"It was a misunderstanding," Claire quickly explained, "Everything's fine now. We're together, and we are going to go for a hike."
"A misunderstanding?" Saskia Holt was confused but relieved, "Your phone was off yesterday, and you really made me worry! But I have an interview today and have been preparing my materials, running to the archives several times, I couldn't find time to reach out to you."
"I understand, darling. Everything's fine now, really," Claire said lightly, in a good mood, "Good luck with your interview!"
"The competition is tough this time," Saskia Holt sighed, "But I've been preparing for a long time, so I should be able to hold my own."
"Mm, good luck! I'm waiting for your good news."
"I'm going to drive now, bye!"
"Okay, bye, be careful on the road."
After the call ended, Saskia Holt started her car, with her carefully prepared resume on the passenger seat. She was dressed formally today, with a meticulous makeup.
She was originally in a good mood, but thinking of that little wretch Daphne, Saskia Holt decided to give Claire a good vent after the interview!
Just like how Claire used to ruthlessly deal with the scum for her.
Such men and women deserved ruthless treatment!!
She stepped on the gas pedal, and the car sped off.
The Clarke Corp.
A series of towering skyscrapers shimmering in the morning light.
Under Tristan's leadership, the company had grown stronger.
At eight in the morning, all departments were running smoothly, with everyone dressed in business attire, full of vitality.
In the modern president's office, the room was bathed in morning light through the clear windows.
Kevin came in and handed a list to Tristan, "Mr. President, this is the shortlist of interviewees. They've all been notified and will be interviewed today. The elimination rate is 50%."
"You're quite busy with your daily work. The president's office should hire another assistant," Tristan said without looking up from the file he was examining, "You can pick one for yourself."
"Okay," Kevin nodded and then asked, "Will you be coming to the interviews later?"
"We'll see," he was a bit busy with something, put down the file and opened his laptop. Holding the mouse, his deep eyes were fixed on the report on the screen.
Kevin nodded and then turned to leave.
Downstairs in the Clarke Corp building, in the immaculate lobby that reflected like a mirror, there were thirty people coming for interviews today.
Saskia Holt was one of them, and she arrived just in the nick of time, almost late.


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