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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1368

Chapter 1368: I Guess It's Her

Kevin seemed to understand something and dared to ask, "Mr. Norwell, do you... have a girl you like now?" Not far away, Saskia Holt looked up, glancing in their direction with curiosity. What kind of outstanding girl could catch the eye of Mr. Norwell?

Tristan was sitting at a western-style desk, and he cast a sidelong glance at Kevin with a smile, waiting for his answer with a serious expression. Kevin thought for a moment and honestly said, "I had a girlfriend when I was in college." So, it was in the past?

Seeing that the president was still staring at him, Kevin braced himself and thought back to the past. "Girls' minds are hard to understand. They won't say what they're thinking and expect men to guess. If you guess right, it's love; if you guess wrong, it's not. She'll argue with you for a long time. In short, I think girls are a strange creature."

"Should I not directly say if I like a girl?" Tristan asked him, for he had suffered from this problem before with Claire. Saskia Holt was secretly shocked. Oh my god, who did Mr. Norwell fall for? Whose daughter was so lucky? Saskia Holt envisioned a fairy-like girl in her mind.

Kevin stood beside the president's desk and thought seriously, "Hmm, how should I put it? Actually... with your charm, I think you can say it directly. How many girls have been dreaming of you, right?" "Am I shallow?" Tristan's face turned serious, and his tone became cold. "Would I like such a shallow girl?"


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