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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1372

Chapter 1372: Monica Escapes

Just then, her phone rang, the sound pulling her thoughts back to reality. Monica took out her phone and saw that it was Tristan calling. She immediately chased away all the negative emotions and joy began to grow in her heart. Her entire mood shifted.

Belinda, in her room, also heard the phone ring and thought it was Algerone Swain calling, so she gently cracked open her door. She watched as her daughter answered the call with a smile, holding the phone to her ear, "Good morning."

"Good morning," Tristan's voice was low and gentle, "I'm done with my work now and planning to go to the hospital. Can I come pick you up now?"


Monica wasn't prepared at all, but she was still looking forward to seeing him, so she smiled and said, "Sure, I don't have anything else going on anyway."

"Alright, see you soon." In truth, Tristan had already set off, his car heading towards the hotel, "I'll be there in a few minutes."

That quickly??

"Okay, I'll come down right away." Monica felt a bit flustered, thinking she should change her clothes or redo her hairstyle, or perhaps apply her makeup a bit more delicately. But there was no time for that now.

After hanging up, she turned around and went back to her room. As she came out with her bag, she bumped into her mother, who was glaring at her with a murderous expression!

Monica's footsteps faltered, "…"

"You're not going." Belinda emphasized again, "I don't agree with you being with Tristan!"

"I'm sorry." Monica gripped her bag tightly, facing her mother's gaze with an unusually firm tone, "I can listen to you on everything else, but not when it comes to matters of the heart! I can't stop what my heart decides!"

As soon as she spoke, Monica rushed to the door before her mother could catch her, opening it and running out!

Belinda chased after her but came up empty, "Monica!!"


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