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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1377

Chapter 1377: Tristan Asks Her Out

The girl unintentionally caught a glimpse of his incoming call from the corner of her eye. It was Kevin, and he had rejected the call, but she didn't say anything. Her heart felt inexplicably warm, just like the sun of that day.

The early winter streets were lined with trees. As the wind blew, large patches of leaves remaining on the branches fell, resembling dancing butterflies. The scene was bleak yet pleasing to the eye.

The dappled sunlight shone selflessly on them.

Eason was a child, and he didn't talk much. From time to time, he used the support of both sides to lift his whole body, and occasionally kicked the large patches of leaves on the ground with his little feet.

His thoughts were empty, and he had no worries.

"Is it tiring to take care of a child?" Tristan started a conversation, glancing at the girl.

"Not tiring at all. I think children are fun and innocent," she said with a beaming smile. "Sometimes, when talking with Eason, you'll find it's a kind of spiritual baptism."

Except for Jennifer occasionally taking him out for a stroll, he had no chance to leave the hospital and was confined there day after day.

So Eason was extraordinarily happy today!

Tristan took the opportunity to ask the girl beside him, "Have you been busy lately?"

Monica looked at him, but he was looking straight ahead. Who was he asking? It couldn't be Eason, so she quickly regained her composure. "Not busy, what's up?"

She was delighted and somewhat expectant. Was he going to ask her out?

"I have to go on a business trip to a nearby town. My assistant is quite busy recently, so..." As he spoke, Tristan finally looked at her. "Could you accompany me there?"

She was puzzled by his request. Why did he want her to go with him?

Although she was more than willing.

Tristan realized it was abrupt and quickly explained, "There's a project there, and sometimes, from a girl's perspective, you might be able to give me some advice."

This explanation made Monica feel a little disappointed, but she still replied, "Sure, when?"


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