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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1379

Chapter 1379: The Air is Filled with the Scent of Love

For a moment, Monica wondered if Eason was somehow helping her get closer to Tristan. It seemed that he couldn't do without her, giving her more opportunities to interact with her crush. Even if they weren't in a romantic relationship, as long as she was by Tristan's side, and there were no other women around him, she felt a sense of love, as if he belonged to her.

As they left the hospital, Monica's happiness had reached its peak. So, she considerately told Tristan, "You can go back to the company. I don't want to hold you back any longer. I can go back to the hotel by myself."

Tristan didn't say anything. He simply opened the passenger's side door of the car and looked at her with warm, determined eyes. Monica hesitated for a moment, meeting his gaze, and time seemed to stand still. She looked at him and then at the open door. Tristan didn't say anything; he was just waiting for her to get in.

Not wanting to waste any more of his time, Monica pursed her lips and quickly walked towards him, her heart pounding as she got into the passenger seat. The corner of Tristan's lips curved into an almost imperceptible smile as he closed the door for her and walked around the car to sit in the driver's seat.

He was tall and slender, with thick, prominent eyebrows that gave him a naturally refined and meticulous air. He started the car, and Monica glanced at him. His eyelashes were long and dark, like black feathers, and his eyes were deep and black.

Throughout the drive, the car's speed remained steady. A gentle breeze fluttered in through the window, stirring Monica's hair and making her heart flutter. Time seemed to fly by when she was with him. Neither of them broke the silence.

Perhaps these sweet, silent moments were enough for both of them. There was no need for words; just being together was enough. It wasn't until the car came to a stop outside the hotel that Monica snapped out of her reverie. She looked out the window, then back at Tristan. "Thank you," she said.

Her politeness made him feel distant. "I'll pick you up tomorrow morning. Pack your things," Tristan told her. "We'll be gone for about a week."

"A whole week?" Monica was slightly taken aback but thrilled inside. "Do you have the time?" Tristan frowned, slightly puzzled.

"No, no, I'm free," she assured him, more than eager to go.


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