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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1384

Chapter 1384: They Met Again

"If I just give you money like this, it proves that I am condoning your behavior," Tristan said calmly. "If I allow extortion to happen, then similar incidents will probably occur from time to time. You'll extort others, and others will extort me."

He had a firm grasp of their mentality, making the family members feel guilty...

Tristan wasn't angry, and he spoke logically, "How the elderly person died can be determined through an investigation. I think you wouldn't want the results to come out."

The family members didn't dare to speak...

But Tristan was kindhearted. He wanted to settle the matter and not waste any more time, as he had a meeting with business partners later.

So he told them, "I will give you some money."

The family members, who were sitting on the sofa, looked up at him in disbelief.

Tristan met their gazes and made his own judgment, "Perhaps you encountered difficulties and resorted to this as a last resort." He said this because they didn't seem like evil people.

Hearing such magnanimous words from the man, the family members were shocked for a few seconds before sliding to their knees in gratitude.

"Thank you... Thank you, Mr. Norwell."

"We have a sick child at home. We really did this out of desperation. We spent all our savings on his treatment."

Outside the door, Monica peeked inside, watching the scene play out clearly.

When she had come in earlier, Kevin had briefly explained what happened.

She was initially furious, thinking that this was blatant extortion. Did they have any shame?

She thought Tristan would coldly follow legal procedures and not let the wrongdoers take advantage, but instead, he reasoned with them and agreed to give them some money.

The family members knelt and kowtowed, full of gratitude. Monica was moved but didn't know what to say.


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