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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1389

Chapter 1389: Algerone Swain Has Some Abilities

Algerone Swain stood beside the passenger seat, patiently looking at her, thinking, you were worried enough to call me, so why are you pretending now? Belinda was caught in a dilemma, looking up at the sky, the winter wind gradually growing colder.

"What's the fuss about?" Algerone Swain held the opened car door and bluntly said, "Just treat this like an Uber. You can pay me the fare!" Belinda met his gaze, feeling helpless, as the suitcase was already in his car.

In the taxi, Monica looked at the stalemate, feeling anxious. Why weren't they getting in the car yet? What were they doing? Hurry up and follow dad! Her dad really should be helping her a bit more. Monica wished she could use telepathy to push her mother into the car!

After a few seconds, she finally saw Belinda reluctantly getting in the car, and it seemed like she saw her dad's smile as well. She watched him close the car door, walk around the car and return to the driver's seat, and soon the car drove off.

"Miss, are you getting off or not?" The taxi driver looked back at her, "Don't delay me from taking other fares."

"No, just follow that car!" Monica pointed ahead, excited, wanting to see where her dad would take Belinda.

"Alright." The taxi driver restarted the car, enjoying this slightly exciting tailing task.

In the car ahead, Belinda was once again sitting beside this man, feeling extremely uncomfortable. The strong woman in the business world seemed a bit lost, even her breathing became unnatural. She picked up her phone and searched for nearby hotels.

Without looking at her phone screen, Algerone Swain knew her intention. So, while driving, he said to her, "You don't need to search. All the nearby hotels are like this, not accepting guests starting today, and the rest are fully booked."


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