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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1392

Chapter 1392: Tristan is Really Great

In the hospital, there were still many people coming and going, and many patients came to seek treatment due to its reputation. Rowan, dressed in his work uniform, was in the office, consulting with patients. He was elegant and calm, extremely professional, and full of patience.

"A bone fissure and a fracture are different. Since it's so painful, it's better to take an X-ray first, alright?" Rowan's voice was gentle.

"Of course, since we're here, we'll listen to the doctor's advice."

Claire sat in a partitioned area, writing a novel. To an outsider, her days might seem boring.

However, in her heart, she felt that this was a good kind of companionship, breathing the same air as him in the same room.

Tristan's car was parked downstairs, and he walked into the hospital lobby, waiting for the elevator to go upstairs.

In a certain suite, Zack Clarke frowned as he held his phone, having just received a call from his son. His mood was inevitably a bit heavy-what had happened?

He needed to come to the hospital in person for a detailed discussion?

Zack Clarke believed that anything that couldn't be explained over the phone was a big deal.

But since Tristan had taken over the company, he had never encountered such a situation. He calmly handled everything and solved any thorny problems. As a father, he couldn't help but worry, feeling uneasy every second.

Eason was in the room playing with number cards by himself.

"2+2=4, 8+8=16…" He recited quietly, diligently memorizing the numbers.

He firmly remembered what Sister Monica had told him: to embed the numbers in his mind so he could win while playing games.

When Tristan appeared at the suite's doorway, Zack Clarke couldn't help but tense up and quickly asked, "Tristan, what happened?"

Tristan met his father's gaze, slightly stunned, feeling the strong paternal love. Then, he smiled and said in a relaxed tone, "It's not about work. Everything is going smoothly at work, don't worry."

Zack Clarke looked at him and then exhaled, "Sit."

"Master." Aiden greeted Tristan with a smile, then brewed some tea and quietly retreated.


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