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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1409

Chapter 1409: The Police Arrive

Monica's heart tightened, instinctively leaning toward Tristan. She felt uneasy and said, "Is today not a good day? Why do we keep encountering these things?"

Tristan glanced at her, unsure of what to say, "Don't worry, everything happens for a reason. I'm here, so you won't face this."

He, too, felt that today was somewhat inauspicious.

The air seemed filled with something that made people anxious and uneasy, and there was an indistinct sense of foreboding.

"However, our town is usually very safe. You can even leave your doors unlocked at night."

The innkeeper, carrying their luggage, reassured them, "You don't need to worry too much. This might just be a prank between lovers. The girl might have hidden herself on purpose to test her boyfriend's love for her. Young people nowadays don't know their limits, and sometimes they go too far."

"Pranks should have their limits!" Monica disapproved, criticizing, "If that's true, then that girl must be out of her mind! The police are already here! Don't they have enough to do?"

The innkeeper didn't say anything more, perhaps realizing that this wasn't an ordinary prank.

As they walked, Tristan observed their surroundings. With his wide experience, he knew that things were not as simple as they seemed.

The fact that the police were involved meant it wasn't just a lovers' prank.

The town attracted many tourists and some business people, so there was always a mix of characters.

Furthermore, there was a bar street on the other side of the river, and all kinds of people might appear at night.

Pretty young girls, under various unfortunate circumstances, could easily be hurt. It was a matter of luck.

"Please follow me; your reserved inn is over there, about three minutes away." The innkeeper reminded them, hoping they wouldn't have a bad impression of the town.

Tristan and Monica followed him.


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