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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1422

Chapter 1422: Where Have I Seen Her Before?

In the early morning, in the room next door, Daphne Wells had taken a handful of small white pills before going to bed last night, so she slept rather soundly. She got up, put on a black long coat with a hood, just so she could cover her face when necessary. She couldn't sit still and wanted to go downstairs to check on things, especially Rowan.

She had ordered some takeout earlier, finished her breakfast, and was now standing in front of the mirror in the bathroom, applying lipstick. Her technique was quite skilled, and her eyes were sharp and cold with the demeanor of a victor. After getting up, Daphne Wells had noticed the busy salvage team on the river. Seeing that they couldn't even find a body, she felt that they were a bunch of useless people, and she couldn't help but feel a little smug.

She had clearly pushed Claire into the river, who had screamed in horror, and she had heard the clear splash. So, in Daphne Wells' view, Claire was undoubtedly dead! And her death would be ugly! If her body couldn't be found, it would rot at the bottom of the river, be nibbled clean by fish and insects, and eventually only the skeleton would remain. The satisfaction Daphne Wells felt from this was indescribable.

After applying her lipstick, she coldly stared at her pale reflection in the mirror, her lips curling into a strange, cold smile. She put the hood of her coat on her head and left the room. In a little while, the light went out, and the sound of the door closing could be heard.

Next door, Monica had also finished her breakfast. She went to the bathroom to brush her teeth, not wearing any makeup, but simply tidying up her hair. She grabbed her phone, pulled the room key from the wall, and opened the door to go downstairs. She left the room about two minutes after Daphne Wells, so they didn't immediately run into each other.

Monica wore high heels, and her feet didn't hurt at all. She held the railing and was particularly careful as she went downstairs. Thinking of Tristan's instructions, her heart felt warm; he must care about her, right?

When she reached the first floor of the inn, Monica walked out the glass door and went to the right. She had checked the map earlier, and the café was at the end, about 100 meters away. The winter wind was a bit chilly and was blowing strongly. She looked up at the sky, which was covered with low, dark clouds, as if it was about to rain again. The whole ancient town was shrouded in a sense of sadness.


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