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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1424

Chapter 1424: Tristan's Selfless Act

"You murderer! You cold-hearted woman!" Monica screamed, grappling with her and looking back towards the café, shouting, "Tristan! Tristan! I found the one who hurt Claire!"

Upon seeing this, Daphne Wells panicked, her face turning pale. Were there other people around? If she continued making a ruckus, it would undoubtedly draw attention. Criminals are always fearful!

With sharp eyes like a hawk, Daphne gritted her teeth and steeled herself. "You can join her in death! Keep her company!" She forcefully pushed Monica towards the railing. "Let's see how you like meddling in others' affairs!"

Monica fought back, "You murderer! The law will punish you!"

With a clang, the phone fell to the ground, the call never made. Daphne's eyes were bloodthirsty, and she crazily choked Monica, pushing her over the railing. The railing reached waist-height, and below was the icy, bone-chilling river.

Monica was choked to the point she couldn't speak, her face turning red, and even breathing became difficult. Fear enveloped her, and she was running out of strength to resist. But Daphne seemed determined to kill her.

As Tristan led his men out of the café, he spotted the two women fighting. "Monica!" His eyes changed, and he sprinted towards them.

Daphne looked over, gritting her teeth and using all her strength to push Monica over the railing and into the river. "Monica!" Tristan ran, his pupils dilating.

"Ahh!" A panicked scream accompanied Monica as she fell into the river. Daphne, panting, clung to the railing and stared coldly at the splashing water.


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