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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1426

Chapter 1426: Mr. Marsh and the Others Couldn't Sit Still

Indeed, she was shivering from the cold, but leaning against Tristan's warm chest, Monica had completely lost the fear she experienced from the brush with death. All she felt now was relief and sadness... thinking of Claire, she was heartbroken. The rain continued to fall, and Tristan couldn't help but quicken his pace.

It was winter, and the river water was icy and bone-chilling. Tristan was soaked through as well, but he seemed to be immune to the cold. He just didn't want her to catch a cold. Monica put her arms around his neck, and Tristan glanced down at her, "I really didn't check the almanac before we set out."

Narrowly escaping death should have been a cause for celebration, but Claire's whereabouts were unknown, and everyone's mood remained somber. She leaned against him and couldn't help but remember how Tristan held her last night. Compared to last night's joy and happiness, Monica felt a sourness in her nose and wanted to cry, "Is Claire dead...?"

Tristan's pace quickened, and he didn't answer her question. Holding her in his arms, he walked through the wind and rain towards the inn, one step at a time! He stared ahead, his cold eyes as dark as an ancient well. How could there be such a venomous-hearted woman?

In the morning, Rowan gathered the courage to call Finnley, apologizing and then telling him about Claire's disappearance. "What?! Missing?" Finnley was in the Marsh Group's president's office, "How could someone just go missing? Wasn't she found overnight?"

Not far away, Ivan Marsh looked up from his office chair, "..." Who was missing?

Rowan, who hadn't slept all night, kept apologizing on the phone, his spirits a bit deflated. "I understand," Finnley couldn't bear to blame him, "I'll come over right away. Send me the specific location."

"Who's missing?" Ivan Marsh asked Finnley after he hung up the phone.

"Claire went to the ancient town with Dr. Watson. He just went to the restroom and when he came out, Claire was gone." Finnley quickly typed on the keyboard to save and organize the urgent files.


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