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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1475

Chapter 1475: Has She Remembered Everything?

When Jack Adams emerged, he saw three people getting out of a car. He took a few steps forward into the yard and speculated, "You must be here for Claire, right?"

He suspected that Tristan had called them.

The Russells closed the car door and nodded at him in acknowledgement, "Hello."

Albert asked, "Are you the one who saved our niece Claire? I'm Claire's uncle, this is my wife, and this is our son."

They were all Claire's family.

Jack Adams, his defenses lowered, smiled kindly and introduced himself, "I am Adams. Claire has partial amnesia. I have some knowledge of herbal remedies and have been preparing medicine for her recently. She is recovering."

Claire really was still alive!

Violet was filled with gratitude, tears welling up in her eyes, "Thank you, thank you, Mr. Adams!"

"Go upstairs, Claire's friend is also here. Today is a good day indeed. I'm happy to see her reunited with her family," Jack Adams said, his spirit always generous.

The Russells nodded and quickly made their way towards the stairs.

At this moment, a room on the second floor had its door wide open.

Claire was sitting on a stool. She looked at Tristan, then at Monica, trying hard to remember.

Fragments of her memory were coming together, from vague to clear...

Neither Monica nor Tristan rushed her, nor did they ask any questions. They just watched her, patiently waiting, their eyes full of encouragement.

"Tristan..." Claire suddenly focused, "I remember you, you're Tristan! Jennifer's biological brother, Mr. Marsh's uncle!"

A look of surprise and delight crossed Tristan's eyes, "Yes! You remembered!"

"And what about me?" Monica quickly pointed to herself and asked her, "Claire, do you remember me?"


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