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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1478

Chapter 1478: Today is a Wonderful Day

"Uncle Marsh, please tell me the truth," Jennifer seemed calm, but Ivan Marsh could feel her body trembling slightly.

Jack Adams' gaze fell on the handwritten medical book in her hand, "This medical book is priceless. My senior brother tested drugs on himself, sacrificing his life for his beloved medical profession. Many people in the world want to get this book, and because of this, I've had to live under a pseudonym."

Suddenly, Jennifer seemed to understand something, and she felt the weight of the book in her hand.

She also understood why Uncle Marsh saved Claire and didn't call the police - there were too many people looking for him, and even more who wanted this book.

At this moment, the Russells came down with Claire.

Ivan Marsh took the medical book from his wife's hand, turned around, walked towards his Lamborghini, and placed the book in the car.

"Mr. Adams, thank you for saving our Claire," Albert thanked him again, "If there is anything you need at the orphanage, please don't hesitate to ask. Here's my business card."

Jack Adams took the card, "This is also a kind of destiny. We lack nothing here. I appreciate your kindness."

"Mr. Adams," Claire was wearing a red cloak, gratitude filled her heart, "Thank you."

Jack Adams just shook his head with a smile.

However, as the Russells, they would certainly send some supplies today, after all, there were children here who needed things like quilts.

The snow was still falling.

The Russells took Claire to the car, Rowan Watson stood in the yard, watching this scene helplessly. He didn't forcibly take Claire away.

After all, he had been tormented these days, and so had the Russells.

They were Claire's family, he had no right to interfere, nor could he replace them.


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