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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1492

Chapter 1492: The Gentle Touch

Again, someone voiced their worries, "The snow is getting heavier, and the road conditions are getting worse."

"Everyone, please rest assured, Mr. Norwell is absolutely safe," Kevin reassured everyone, "As for what he's doing, I really don't know. He left this morning and said he'd be back by noon."

Someone expressed their confusion, "Mr. Norwell is always punctual, so we're worried that something may have happened to him."

"Yes, I'm quite worried too," someone else said, their heart hanging in the balance much like an old father's, "Mainly because of the poor road conditions."

"There have already been more than a dozen traffic accidents reported today..."

"Sigh, as long as he comes back safely, waiting a bit is no big deal."

"Kevin, why don't you give him another call just to check?" Someone still wasn't reassured.

Kevin's main concern wasn't Mr. Norwell's safety. After all, Mr. Norwell exuded a sense of security and was an adult capable of taking care of himself. Kevin was most worried about the meeting being postponed further. Mr. Norwell had a meeting with Camille at three in the afternoon which would have to be delayed. As one of the top ten female entrepreneurs in the world, Camille was decisive and strict with her schedule, leaving almost no room for changes.

So, Kevin called Mr. Norwell again, risking being scolded.

This time there was no rejection. Tristan was in the small Western-styled building, in Monica's bedroom. He had just helped her tidy up all her dolls and, perhaps because he was in a good mood, he answered the call, "I'll start a video conference for you guys right away."

"My boss, you've got a meeting with Camille at three. You didn't forget, did you?" Kevin hurriedly asked, fearing he would hang up.

"I didn't forget. I received her reminder text. There's still time."

Kevin sighed in relief. If Mr. Norwell didn't come and he had to deal with Camille alone, he would probably be chewed up and spit out.

Seeing him hang up the phone, the first thing Monica said was, "Are you going to have a video conference on your way back? That's very dangerous! Don't joke with your own life!"


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