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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1501

Chapter 1501: Only Love is the Most Attractive

Tristan gazed at the small snowman bathed in warm yellow light, his voice gentle. "The brightness is fine, everyone has worked hard. We need to maintain this tomorrow, check everything carefully, we cannot afford any mistakes."

"Alright, rest assured, everything is progressing according to your plan."

Tristan handed them the design drawings.

He looked around, reminding, "We also need to hang lights on these trees. We should make good use of the romantic atmosphere, so try not to knock the snow off the branches."

"Alright, Mr. Norwell."

"Thank you, everyone." Tristan gratefully glanced at all the people busily working on the scene, then turned and left with peace of mind.

Choosing this place for his confession was the result of his long deliberation. This was the most suitable location.

Just as he sat in the driver's seat, Tristan took out his phone and saw that Jennifer had sent him a message on Facebook.

She had sent him a draft. Tristan was delighted; it was exactly what he wanted-identical to what he had purchased in the boutique that day!

However, this time he had to inlay a real diamond, to upgrade its class and make this headband more meaningful.

Yes, Tristan decided to make a romantic confession tomorrow night.

He knew Monica would worry about Claire to some extent, so he decided to put in some effort to reassure her, to let her know that she was special.

But for Tristan, Claire had already become a thing of the past.


Inside Algerone's idle small western-style building, the heating system was very effective, making the indoor environment and the snowy kingdom outside seem like two different worlds.

Monica had just finished bathing, wearing a nightgown and emanating a sweet fragrance from her shower.

She was humming a song with a joyful mood.

Standing in front of her bed, she reached out and stroked the tall transparent cylindrical plush doll storage box.

She couldn't help but recall the moment when Tristan held her hand to grab the doll. The electrifying happiness was irreplaceable by anything else.


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