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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1504

Chapter 1504: Is He Going to Confess His Love Tonight?

"As long as Monica is willing, I'll take responsibility for her for the rest of her life." Tristan's gaze was unusually firm.

Algerone Swain was shocked to his core, seeing that he was sincere from his heart, and that his deep eyes were also filled with seriousness and sincerity.

Her father probed, suppressing his inner anticipation, "So have you two started dating?"

"I plan to confess my love to her tonight." Tristan extended a sincere invitation, "Would you like to witness it?"

"..." Algerone Swain was a bit slow to react, but he nodded in agreement.

The destined father-in-law and son-in-law looked at each other. Algerone Swain finally came back to his senses, his eyes infinitely gentle, a warm smile on his lips, "Okay, that's good, very good."

He was naturally satisfied with Tristan.

At two in the afternoon.

Still at the same club, Tristan walked in again, but this time the person he was waiting for was not Algerone Swain, but Belinda.

He had just settled down on the sofa when he heard footsteps.

As Belinda walked in wearing high heels, Tristan got up to greet her politely, "Hello." He was still very formal.

"Tristan, I don't know why you wanted to see me, but it's good because I wanted to find you too." Belinda sat down on the opposite sofa, her gaze falling on his face, revealing her powerful aura without a doubt.

Tristan looked at her, sitting across the table from her.

Before he could speak, Belinda glanced at the contract and project details on the round table, then turned her gaze back to his face, "Tristan, what exactly do you mean by your actions towards Monica?" Her tone was calm, but there was a sense of questioning.

Hearing her displeasure, Tristan could understand.

Just as he was about to explain something, he heard her ask again, "Are you stringing her along? Using her as a pastime when you're bored?"

"No, absolutely not." Tristan hurriedly denied, "Auntie, how could you think that?"


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