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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1519

Chapter 1519: This Is Probably What Love Feels Like

Snowflakes were drifting outside the window again. She lay in bed, holding her phone, lost in thought...

A sense of longing was growing and spreading in her heart. Monica was increasingly aware that she missed him a bit and was too excited to sleep.

Reflecting on what happened tonight, it really felt like a dream, a very beautiful dream.

Pulling her thoughts back, Monica wondered, what was he doing at this moment?

Had he finished taking a bath?

Was he busy working in his study?

Or perhaps, had he already gone to bed?

Was he thinking of her?

In fact, Monica really wanted to call him, even if it was just to say goodnight.

But she was afraid of disturbing him, worrying that he would find her too clingy and feel suffocated.

Monica really liked Tristan, she liked him very, very much...

So for her, this affection was something she valued immensely.

Hiding under the covers and holding her phone, flipping through his social media posts, Monica was tossing and turning in bed, but just couldn't fall asleep...

Just as she was deeply conflicted, finally deciding not to call him, but considering sending him a Facebook message to say goodnight, Tristan's call came through.

Her phone vibrated, the ringtone sounded, his name appeared on the screen, Monica was thrilled. She quickly answered, "Hello."

"Have you gone to bed, Monica?" Tristan's gentle voice came through, "I hope I'm not disturbing you."

"No, no, I'm not sleeping, you're not disturbing me." Monica lifted her head from the covers, her heart was warm as she asked softly, "Hey, what are you doing?"


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