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Surprised Wife With Twins novel Chapter 1521

Chapter 1521: Claire Has Made Up Her Mind

Rowan Watson came out after taking his bath. He had a roundtable discussion scheduled for the morning, so he had specially chosen a white shirt, tied with a black tie, and a meticulously tailored black suit coat.

Ever since he knew that Claire was safe, Rowan Watson's mental state had improved significantly, and he gradually regained his spirit.

As long as she was fine, he would be very happy.

Although he often missed her and wanted to be with her, if the elders of the Russell family disagreed, he could understand their feelings from their perspective and would not insist too much.

But after some time, he would still try his best to fight for it...

Rowan Watson was a person who strongly believed in fate, and he had chosen Claire at first sight.

After finishing up and preparing to leave, he picked up his phone and found a missed call from Claire. This surprised him greatly.

Claire had called?

And just a few minutes ago!

Rowan Watson quickly returned Claire's call. He was very happy and excited, especially worried that she would not answer, and worried that the phone was not with her.

The ringing continued...

In a bedroom on the second floor of the Russell family residence.

Claire was holding the vibrating phone, staring at his name on the screen. She tried to disperse the tears in her eyes, steadied her spirit, and her finger slid over the answer button, "Hello."

"Claire," Rowan Watson heard this familiar voice and immediately explained, "I was taking a shower just now, so I didn't answer your call."

"Uh-huh." Suddenly, she didn't know what to say.

"How have you been recently?" After a two-second silence, both of them asked at the same time.

Then there was silence again...

Rowan Watson laughed, saying as he walked downstairs, "I've been fine recently, what about you?"

"I want to see you," Claire asked him, "Are you available today?" She had been feeling too stifled.


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